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Heute wurde der erste „Uranatlas“ veröffentlicht, der die Gefahren der Atomenergie von der Uranförderung bis zum problematischen Umgang mit dem Atommüll zeigt. Umfrageergebnisse untermauern zudem, dass die Mehrheit in Deutschland einen schnellen Atomausstieg will.
read moreWhen in 2007 / 2008, the price of uranium skyrocketed from around US$ 20 per pound to nearly US$ 140 per pound, mining companies from all over the world set out to find uranium – a new uranium rush had started. The local population was unprepared for the onslaught of the mining companies – and…
read moreThe Antinuclear World Social Forum that took place in Madrid last weekend comes now to an end. More than a hundred activists have met in Madrid to share their knowledge on the civil and military nuclear situation worldwide. Representatives from different platforms against uranium mining, radioactive waste, nuclear power plants or armament have restated their…
read moreU.S. appeals court allows challenge of uranium mining at Canyon mine near Grand Canyon in partial reversal of earlier decision: A federal appeals court said Thursday (2018, Oct. 25) that the Havasupai tribe and environmental advocates can challenge an existing uranium mine on land near the Grand Canyon where mining was recently banned. The decision…
read moreNarbonne–During this week of the 73rd anniversaries of the nuclear attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the International Anti-Nuclear Summer Camp takes place near Narbonne in the south of France from August 6th to 12th. Tents, performances, and debates are waking up a peaceful estate of olive trees and wild thyme. Located a few miles away…
read moreWährend Deutschland aus der Atomkraft aussteigt, werden in Afrika neue Uran-Quellen erschlossen und als Investition gepriesen. Ist Stilllegung eine Illusion, auch angesichts der Tatsache, dass radioaktives Material noch Millionen Jahre weiter strahlt? zum Artikel auf deutschlandfunkkultur.de
read moreInformationsblatt zum Nachu Graphite Project in Tansania und der öffentlich-privaten Partnerschaft der WiN Emscher-Lippe GmbH in NRW Aufgrund des niedrigen Uranpreises will Magnis Resources, auch bekannt als Uranex, noch warten, bis das Unternehmen möglicherweise mit der Uranproduktion in Tansania beginnt. Profitabler scheint unter den aktuellen politischen Vorzeichen der Digitalisierung der Graphitbergbau: Graphit ist wesentlicher Bestandteil…
read moreGerman NGO World Heritage Watch (WHW) published its 2018 Report. WHW will hold its 4th International Civil Society Forum on World Heritage just days before the start of this years UNESCO World Heritage Committee session in Manama, Bahrein (24. June – 4. July 2018). The Report highlights dangers towards natural and cultural World Heritage sites,…
read moreUnter dem Motto “Atomrisiko jetzt beenden!” findet am 9. Juni 2018 eine Demonstration in Lingen statt. – weitere Infos
read moreLiz McDaid, and Makoma Lekalakala of Earthlife Africa Johannesburg (ELA JHB) are winners of the world’s leading “Goldman Environmental Prize”. Liz and Makoma have been recognised for their leadership in the struggle against an unlawful nuclear energy deal in South Africa. They were the sole signatories of a successful legal challenge against the plan for…
read moreLiz McDaid, and Makoma Lekalakala of Earthlife Africa Johannesburg (ELA JHB) are winners of the world’s leading “Goldman Environmental Prize”. Liz and Makoma have been recognised for their leadership in the struggle against an unlawful nuclear energy deal in South Africa. They were the sole signatories of a successful legal challenge against the plan for…
read moreAustralian uranium company Peninsula Energy had planned to mine uranium in the Karoo, an arid region in South Africa. However, these plans were met by strong local resistance, supported by nationwide South African organisations, among others by SAFCEI – South African Faith Based Environmental Institute. We had reported earlier. The company had announced to leave…
read moreÜber den Hamburger Hafen wird regelmäßig radioaktives Material für Atomkraftwerke in alle Welt und aus aller Welt transportiert. Allein im vergangenen Jahr wurden im Hamburger Hafen etwa 300 Tonnen Kernbrennstoffe wie neue Brennelemente, angereichertes UF 6 und Uran-Pellets umgeschlagen. Die Gesamtmenge der durch Hamburg beförderten Kernbrennstoffe (einschließlich Lkw-Transporten) betrug mehr als 780 Tonnen (in den…
read more20 years ago 23/3/98 the Mirarr people call to blockade the Jabiluka / Kakadua uranium mine. Here is a great film about it: FIGHT FOR COUNTRY – THE STORY OF THE JABILUKA BLOCKADE by Pip Starr. We have shown “Fight For Country” in Rio and several other cities like Berlin in the past. learn more:…
read moreThe Window Rock Uranium Film festival is scheduled for November 29th to December 1st and it will remember the legendary Indigenous World Uranium Summit (IWUS) that happened exactly 12 years before at the same location. In addition to the film screenings discussions and round tables about the question of uranium mining and nuclear power are…
read moreAm Samstag den 24.2.2018 gingen in Salamanca 5000 Menschen auf die Straße. Auch die Vereinigung der ehemaligen Minenarbeiter aus Portugal: Vitimas de Radioactividade ATMU (Associacao dos ex-Trabalhadores Minas de Uranio) waren dabei.
read moreOn 21. Feb. 2018, 110 Tanzanian Civil Society (CSOs) organisations published a brief report on the Human Rights situation in Tanzania, listing some shootings and disappearances as examples as well as other occurrences: “These incidents includes armed attacks, atrocious killings, injuries, enforced disappearance, brutality, arrests, malicious prosecutions targeting human rights defenders (HRDs), journalists, politicians and…
read moreThe U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit on Tuesday upheld a 20-year ban on uranium mining around Grand Canyon National Park but ruled in a separate case that a uranium company could open a mine nearby. The two unanimous rulings by the three-judge panel came as the Trump administration considers lifting the ban,…
read moreEinige Monate haben wir uns als Kampagne auf dieses Event vorbereitet. Webseite, Infomaterial, Petition, Aktions- und Demo-Planung erforderten intensive internationale, und innerhalb Deutschlands organisationsübergreifende Planung und Absprache.
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