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Uran-Minen versus Tourismus im Südwesten der USA (pogrom, 2011, ger)

27. June 2012

Fukushima-Effekt am Grand Canyon?  HELENA NYBERG, INCOMINDIOS SCHWEIZ, AG URAN Erst der Super-GAU in Japan hat es möglich gemacht – Risiko- Reaktoren werden überprüft oder abgestellt und die Atomdiskussionen wieder heftiger geführt. Erneuerbare Energien stehen höher im Kurs. Und wie steht es um die Energiepolitik der USA? Immerhin fürchtet man sich auf Hawai’i vor dem…

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Obama administration stops new uranium mining around the Grand Canyon until December 2011 (2011, en)

27. June 2012

Help us make sure this temporary action becomes a permanent ban   … Secretary Salazar urged the Administration to adopt Earthworks’ recommendation of a more permanent, full one million acre withdrawal. The land surrounding the national park is now protected until December while the Administration works on a more comprehensive solution.   Support Earthworks! This…

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Mining ban extended in Grand Canyon (Center for biological diversity, 2011, en)

27. June 2012

Mining ban extended in Grand Canyon http://www.biologicaldiversity.org/news/press_releases/2011/uranium-mining-06-20-2011.htmlFor Immediate Release, June 20, 2011Contact: Randy Serraglio, (520) 784-1504 1 Million Acres of Grand Canyon Watershed Protected From Uranium Mining GRAND CANYON NATIONAL PARK— Interior Secretary Ken Salazar extended interim protections from uranium mining today for Grand Canyon’s 1-million-acre watershed through the end of 2011; the secretary also…

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Video: Protect the Grand Canyon from GOP Uranium Mining Plan (2011, en)

27. June 2012

Mining inside the Grand Canyon National Park left Horn Creek radioactive and undrinkable. Visitors to the area are warned not to drink from the Creek unless, “death by thirst is the only other option”. Legislation being offered by the Republicans in the House would lead to a dramatic increase in the amount of mining around…

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Take action today to stop uranium mining near Grand Canyon! & Uranium foes: Where’s the benefit? (Sun Staff, 2011, en)

27. June 2012

www.indigenousaction.org TAKE ACTION TODAY TO STOP URANIUM MINING NEAR GRAND CANYON!  (Attached images from ADEQ: 1. Uranium hauling routes 2. Canyon Mine) Denison Mines Corp., a Canadian corporation has submitted water and air quality permit applications to the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) in an attempt to operate uranium mines near the Grand Canyon.…

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The environmental justice Journal (2008)

27. June 2012

Environmental Justice Journal (please click to download this article) … which explains our work in Owe Aku to protect our sacred water from the uranium mining in Crawford, NE and the proposed mining in Edgemont, SD in our sacred He Sapa. It is about 40 pages, please feel free to print, and share, or post…

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The history of mining and the navajo people (Am. Journal of Public Health, 2002)

27. June 2012

The History of Uranium Mining and the Navajo People A comprehensive history of the Navajo Miner’s Experience with Uranium Mining since its start in the 1905ies Doug Brugge, PhD, MS, and Rob Goble, PhD From World War II until 1971, the government was the sole purchaser of uranium ore in the United States. Uranium mining…

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A common enemy: nuclear radiation (Indian country Today, 2011, en)

27. June 2012

“The tragic events in Japan have helped us to see that, ultimately,the laws of nature will win out.” Press release A common enemy: Nuclear radiation by Steven NewcombIndian Country TodayMarch 26, 2011 The 9.0 earthquake in Japan on March 11 and ensuing tsunami is areminder: It is difficult for the human mind to grasp the…

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Problematische Uran-Gewinnung: Der Wilde Westen strahlt stärker als Fukushima (Frankfurter Rundschau, 2011, ger)

27. June 2012

Autor:  Andreas Geldner   Datum:  14 | 7 | 2011 Problematische Uran-GewinnungDer Wilde Westen strahlt stärker als Fukushima Wo die USA ihr Uran gewinnen, verseuchen die Minen die Umwelt massiv mit Radioaktivität – viele Indianer müssen darunter leiden. RAPID CITY – Die massiven Würfel sehen aus, als habe sie ein Riese achtlos in der Prärie verstreut. Bis zum…

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Uranium and the community of Baker Lake, Nunavut (University of Vermont, 2006, en)

26. June 2012

Elaine Wang, University of Vermont (prepared for ENVS 295, Dr. Saleem H. Ali) December 2006IntroductionIn a plebiscite held on March 26, 1990, residents of the hamlet of Baker Lake (in what was then the District of Keewatin, Northwest Territories, now the District of Kivalliq, Nunavut, Canada), voted overwhelmingly against the development of a uranium mine…

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Nunavut – Uranabbau im Permafrost von Kivalliq? (Coyote, 2010, ger)

26. June 2012

Gudrun Conrad, MENSCHENRECHTE 3000 e.V.,  ”COYOTE. Indianische Gegenwart”,  Nr. 88 / Winter 2010 Weltweit hat der Ansturm auf die Uranreserven wieder an Intensität gewonnen. Auch Nord-Kanada bleibt davon nicht verschont. Schon in den 80er Jahren hatte die deutsche Urangesellschaft mbH (UG) das Uranvorkommen Kiggavik in der Nähe von Baker Lake entdeckt. Das erste Uranbergwerk im…

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Nunavut Tunngavik to take second look at uranium mining (Nunatsiaq News, 2011, en)

26. June 2012

Nunavut Tunngavik to take second look at uranium mining Inuit org to review current pro-uranium policy by Sarah RogersNunatsiaq NewsFebruary 24, 2011 OTTAWA — Nunavut Tunngavik Inc. says the territory needs to see“Arctic-specific regulations” around the mining of uranium before they canthrow their support behind a proposed uranium mine near Baker Lake. NTI president Cathy…

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Makita applauds NTI’s decision to review its policy supporting uranium mining in Nunavut (2011, en)

26. June 2012

IQALUIT – February 24, 2011 Nunavummiut Makitagunarningit (Makita) today applauded theannouncement by Nunavut Tunngavik Inc. (NTI) President Cathy Towtongiethat the organization will conduct a “territorial-wide consultationprocess on uranium.” “We are very happy and relieved that the newly-elected leadership atNTI has decided to review the Uranium Policy that the previous NTIBoard adopted,” said Makita Chairperson Sandra…

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Makita says ‘Let the beneficiaries of the Nunavut Land Claim decide about uranium mining, through a free and democratic vote!’ (2011, en)

26. June 2012

IQALUIT — March 17, 2011 Nunavummiut Makitagunarningit (Makita) today called on NunavutTunngavik Inc. (NTI) to hold a vote of beneficiaries of the NunavutLand Claims Agreement on whether or not their land claim corporationshould support uranium mining in Nunavut. “We hope and expect that NTI’s forthcoming review of its UraniumPolicy will be an open and transparent…

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Makita Press Release 11/03/17 (2011, en)

26. June 2012

Nunavummiut Makitagunarningit: 11/03/17 new stuff from Makita Makita is will be distributing two new handouts at the GN publicforums when began yesterday. These are in addition to the materials wehave been distributing for some time now. — ‘Kiggavik history handout’ presents some very interestingcorrespondence etc. from 1988 to 2008. You’re sure to learn somethingabout the…

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More than 120 people turn out in Iqaluit to talk about uranium (CBC News, 2011, en)

26. June 2012

CBC NewsMarch 18, 2011 “I Susan Enuaraq, Palluq Enuaraq, who will vote in Iqaluit East, donot want uranium mining.” More than 120 people turned out last night in Iqaluit to talk abouturanium. It was the first of three public forums organized by theNunavut government as it tries to develop its policy on uraniummining. Eight panelists…

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Sandra Inutiq’s speech at the GN public forum (2011, en)

26. June 2012

March 20, 2011 I would like to talk about an important void in these discussions onmining, which is sustainability. Sustainability includes having aclear vision for Nunavut as a healthy ecosystem, a healthy and vibrantsociety that is strong in its cultural roots. The very basis of Inuitculture is sustainability which includes respect for all that isaround…

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In defense of emotionalism, Makita responds (Nunatsiaq News, 2011, en)

26. June 2012

letter to the editor Nunatsiaq News March 31, 2011 The editorial “On uranium, don’t look for simple answers” (March 28) asks “What, exactly, does … ‘political oppression’ consist of?” Oppression consists of residents of Baker Lake who voted to oppose the proposed Kiggavik uranium mine in a municipal plebiscite in 1990 — the only free…

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A vast canadian Wilderness poised for a Uranium Boom (Yale Environment, 2012, en)

26. June 2012

  30 JAN 2012: REPORT   Canada’s Nunavut Territory is the largest undisturbed wilderness in the Northern Hemisphere. It also contains large deposits of uranium, generating intense interest from mining companies and raising concerns that a mining boom could harm the caribou at the center of Inuit life. by ed struzik   Until her semi-nomadic…

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French Company pushes for uranium mine in the Canadian Arctic wilderness (2012, en)

26. June 2012

by Rachel Cernansky Energy / Energy Police January 30, 2012 If you travel to Nunavut, a territory in Canada that stretches from the mainland to nearly the North Pole, you can encounter—because it’s so remote and has so few roads—caribou herds migrating freely that are among the biggest in the world. Between 65,000 and 400,000 animals or more live…

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The uranium controversy in Baker Lake (Indigenous Politics, 2012, en)

26. June 2012

INDIGENOUS POLITICSWARREN BERNAUER | February 3rd 2012 Baker Lake is a small and mostly Inuit community. The only inland community in Nunavut, it is located west of Hudson Bay, near the geographic centre of Canada. Its Inuktitut name is Qamani’tuaq (“where the river widens”). Baker Lake is in what is referred to today as the…

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Japan nuclear crisis puts industry revival in doubt (guardian.co.uk,2011, en)

26. June 2012

Disaster described as a colossal setback for industry at a time when climate change is sparking a renaissance by Suzanne Goldenberg in Washington, Fiona Harvey and John Vidalguardian.co.ukMarch 15, 2011 Events in Japan could kill the last chances of revival for an American nuclear industry struggling to emerge from the shadow of its own disaster…

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Uranbbau in Kanada auf Gebiet der Cree und Dene (2004, ger)

26. June 2012

Die weltgrößten Uranminen liegen im Norden der Provinz Saskatchewan, Canada. Die „First Nations” der Region haben sich von Anbeginn des Uranabbaus (vor mehr als 30 Jahren) gegen die Uranbergwerke ausgesprochen, ohne ihr Ziel – Anerkennung ihrer vertraglich gesicherten Landrechte und Stopp des Uranabbaus bzw. seine Eingrenzung – zu erreichen. Nach offiziellen Feststellungen eines Regierungsausschusses (FEARO-Panel)…

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Tanzanian churches oppose uranium mining (Article)

21. June 2012

by Fredrick Nzwili in Ecumental News International 18 June (ENInews)–Protestant churches in Tanzania have cautioned the government against extracting uranium deposits recently discovered in the East African country, noting that Germany plans to close its nuclear power stations by 2022 and the Japanese city of Fukushima is still recovering from the 2011 earthquake-caused nuclear disaster.…

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Abstract – Radiological hazards from uranium mining (crrirad.org)

21. June 2012

Bruno Chareyron At all the French uranium mines where it made radiological surveys, the CRIIRAD laboratory discovered situations of environmental contamination and a lack of proper protection of the inhabitants against health risks due to ionizing radiation.

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