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Uranium Mining pollutes drinking water

26. July 2012

Uranium Mining Pollutes Drinking WaterArt Dohman, Chairman of the Goliad County Uranium Research Advisory Committee, describes pollution in local drinking water aquifers caused by uranium mining in Texas.ALTURA asks for a moratorium now on uranium exploration and mining in Teas drinking water aquifers.

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Hearings on Uranium Mining in Virginia, USA

26. July 2012

Hearings on Uranium Mining in Virginia, USAThe 14:22min video features experts such as Dr. Paul Robinson from Siuthwest REsearch and Information Center, Albuquerque, as well as Prof Manuel Pino, speaking out about the experiences of people tin the Southwest US re: Uranium mining.

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All that glitters is not gold

26. July 2012

All that glitters is not goldAn excellent 7:49 minute video about Olympic Dam Mine in Australia including a good short eplanation of uranium mining and its impacts on environment, people and health.

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Yellow Dirt

26. July 2012

YELLOW DIRT …An American story of a Poisoned Land and a People BetrayedOctober 5, 2010 (2:49 clip)Award-winning reporter Judy Pasternak tells the haunting story of uranium mining on the Navajo desert and its terrible, long-ignored legacy.

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Left in the Dust – Arevas Uranium Mining in Niger

26. July 2012

Left in the Dust – Areva’s Uranium Mining in Niger (english)Verlassen im Staub (deutsch)Uranium mines in Niger operated by the state-owned French nuclear giant AREVA continue to create a radioactive hazard for the people living nearby. A new report released today by Greenpeace reveals contamination levels in the air, water and soil above internationally accepted…

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Schmutziges Uran – Die Kehrseite der sauberen Kernenergie

26. July 2012

Schmutziges Uran – Die Kehrseite der “sauberen” Kernenergie” ARD – Kontraste, 16. September 2010In Afrika wird seit Jahrzehnten Uran abgebaut – auch für deutsche Atomkraftwerke. Die Bedingungen sind of katastrophal. Ganze Landstriche werden verstrahlt, Arbeiter sterben qualvoll. Doch der Bedarf an Natururan steigt weiter, auch wegen der geplanten Laufzeitverlängerung in Deutschland.

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26. July 2012

Uranstory (deutsch)10-minütige, sehr informative Einführung in die Brennstoffkette – vom Uranabbau über Anreicherung, Funktion von AKWs bis hin zur Endlagerproblematik, unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Schweiz.

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Protest against the expansion of the Olympic Dam Mine (Roxby Downs, Australia)

18. July 2012

Activists have made camp to protest in front of the Olympic Dam Mine near Roxby Downs, 560 kilometres north-west of Adelaide. A Gate was broken, and there have been a few arrests at the otherwise peaceful demonstration site. Police says roadblocks around the area will remain in place for a week. If you want further…

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Health Risks of Nuclear Power (Study)

12. July 2012

Jan Willem Storm van LeeuwenIndependent consultantCeedataChaam, The Netherlands22 November 2010 AbstractThis study starts with a physical assessment of the quantities of the radioactivity being generated and mobilized by the entire system of related industrial processes making civilian nuclear power possible. It assesses the actual and potential exposure of the public to natural and human-made nuclear…

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International Uranium Film Festival in Rio de Janeiro

8. July 2012

The second International Uranium Film Festival yesterday screened 3 important films about the so called Depleted Uranium Weapons: The Third Nuclear Bomb, The Veteran’s Accusation, by Director: Maurizio Torrealta (Rainews24), Italy. Quirra is a Radioactive Dump, by Flaviano Masella (Rainews24), Italy. Blowin’ in the Wind, by David Bradbury, Australia. These films should get as much…

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Mögliche Wiederaufnahme des Uran-Abbaus in Ungarn (Wirtschaftswoche)

1. July 2012

Pester Lloyd – 21.06.2012, http://www.pesterlloyd.net/ Die ungarische Regierung denkt über die Wideraufnahme des Uran-Abbaus in den Mecsek Hügeln bei Pécs  bzw. Szekszárd nach (Südungarn), das kündigte der Pécser Bürgermeister Zsólt Pava (Fidesz) auf einer Pressekonferenz am Dienstag an. Es soll zunächst festgestellt werden, ob die Gegend aus sozialer, technologischer und Umwelt-Sicht weiterhin in Frage kommt.…

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29. June 2012

Use the Mouse Wheel to Zoom, or click one of the categories to navigate! Endangered Area/Mining Planned   Active Mining  Mine Closed  Our Activities {gmapfp catid=”200″ lmap=”650″ hmap=”900″ zmap=”4″ mzoom=”1″ map_choix=”1″ map_centre_lng=”12″ map_centre_lat=”1″}

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Mongolia might store foreign spent nuclear fuel, senior U.S. Official says (Global Security Newswire, 2011, en)

27. June 2012

Wednesday, March 30, 2011 By Elaine M. Grossman Global Security Newswire WASHINGTON — The Obama administration has held informal talks with Mongolia about the possibility that the Central Asian nation might host an international repository for its region’s spent nuclear fuel, a senior U.S. diplomat said yesterday (see GSN, March 9, 2010). (Mar. 30) –…

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The truth behind India’s nuclear renaissance (The Ecologist, 2011, en)

27. June 2012

Jaitapur’s French-built nuclear plant is a disaster in waiting,jeopardising biodiversity and local livelihoods, says activist Praful Bidwaiby Praful BidwaiThe EcologistFebruary 9, 2011 The global “nuclear renaissance” touted a decade ago has not materialised. The US’s nuclear industry remains starved of new reactor orders since 1973, and western Europe’s first reactor after Chernobyl (1986) is in…

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The NTH Factor – A megawatts-hungry India toys callously with nuclear danger (Outlook, 2011, en)

27. June 2012

by Debarshi Dasgupta Outlook (India) March 28, 2011 Recent events in Japan have indeed shaken the faith of many who pray at the altar of nuclear energy. In an article for a business daily, even Shyam Saran, who was India’s top negotiator for the Indo-US nuclear deal, has said the “nuclear renaissance” could be dead…

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German bank pulls out of Areva’s huge Indian nuclear project (2011, en)

27. June 2012

Date: 28.03.2011 09:17 “Among the nuclear power plants on the anvil is the one at Jaitapur, coastal Maharashtra. It will house reactors from the French firm Areva and shall have a combined capacity of 10,000 MW. But in 20 years, as many as 92 quakes have been recorded here, with the severest of them in…

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Dangerous mining: A deep hole is dug in search of uranium in Lernadzor (ArmeniaNow, 2010, en)

27. June 2012

Dangerous mining: A deep hole is dug in search of uranium in Lernadzor In spite of public discontent and pickets, the prospecting work for uranium continued in the village of Lernadzor, Kapan, and a 140-meter-deep bore-hole has already been mined. While the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources of Armenia said that the prospecting work…

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Forget the billions, return Jabiluka site to Kakadu, say traditional owners (Sydney Morning Herald, 2011, en)

27. June 2012

by Lindsay Murdoch The Sydney Morning Herald April 7, 2011 Aboriginal traditional owners have declared they want the multibillion-dollar Jabiluka uranium deposit to remain undeveloped and be incorporated into Kakadu National Park. A senior traditional owner, Yvonne Margarula, says her Mirarr people are “deeply saddened” that for more than 30 years uranium that should never…

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Traditional owners want Jabiluka protected (ABC News, 2011, en)

27. June 2012

The Jabiluka mine was the subject of protests in the late 1990s. ERA retains the right to mine the site. Traditional owners want uranium mine to become part of Kakadu by Michael Coggan Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) News April 7, 2011 Aboriginal traditional owners say they want the massive Jabiluka uranium deposit in the Northern…

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Aborigines to block uranium mining after Japan disaster (The independent, 2011, en)

27. June 2012

by Kathy Marks in SydneyThe IndependentApril 14, 2011 Since Japan’s Fukushima nuclear plant began leaking radiation afterlast month’s earthquake and tsunami, those watching with consternationhave included the Mirarr Aboriginal people of Australia’s NorthernTerritory, who are determined to limit uranium mining on their landdespite the promise of vast riches. The Mirarr are the traditional owners of…

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HORIZONT3000 – Brasilien Petition Atomtransport (2011, ger)

27. June 2012

WICHTIGE INFOS ZU BRASILIEN Liebe Freundinnen und Freunde, aus aktuellem Anlass bitten wir Euch um schnelle Unterstützung, in dem ihr die beigefügte Petition unterschreibt. Zurzeit befindet sich ein LKW-Transport mit ca. 90 Tonnen radioaktivem Material auf dem Weg in unsere Region. Sowohl Herkunft als auch Inhalt dieses Transportes sind nicht eindeutig geklärt, entscheidende staatliche Behörden…

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Uranium mining threatens Hualapai, Havasupai and Navajo nations, and tourism industry (The Arizona Republic, 2011, en)

27. June 2012

Salazar’s decision to halt new uranium claims would be consistent with permanent bans by Hualapai, Havasupai and Navajo nations on their lands that surround the park….mining is a minor part of northern Arizona’s economy (unlike tourism at the Grand Canyon) Uranium mining would hurt Grand Canyon area, The Arizona Republic, Tom Chabin,  28 Feb 2011,…

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Havasupi Warned: Uranium Mining in Grand Canyon (narcosphere, 2011, en)

27. June 2012

Havasupai Warned: Uranium Mining in Grand Canyon   Posted by Brenda Norrell – March 16, 2011 at 9:36 pm   By Brenda Norrell   SUPAI TERRITORY (Grand Canyon) — When the Supai opposed uranium mining in the Havasupai homeland, Supai said it is a place of prayer for the well-being of the world. Protection of this sacred…

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Uranabbau am Grand Canyon – Entscheidungsphase über Moratorium (Coyote, 2011, ger)

27. June 2012

Entscheidungsphase über Moratorium von Monika Seiller, COYOTE Nr. 89/Frühjahr 2011 Am 10. März 2011 hat die Umweltbehörde Arizona Department of Environmental Quality(ADEQ)den Anträgen der Denison Mines Corp. zum Betrieb von drei neuen Uranminen am Grand Canyonim US-Bundesstaat Arizona stattgegeben und eine Genehmigung im Hinblick auf Wasser- undLuftqualität erteilt. Der Betreiber hat damit einen Teilerfolg hinsichtlich…

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Navajo Group to take Uranium mine challenge to human rights comission (Greemwire, 2011, en)

27. June 2012

Navajo Group to Take Uranium Mine Challenge to Human Rights Commission   By APRIL REESE of  Greenwire Published: May 12, 2011 In a last attempt to deep-six a controversial project to mine uranium near two Navajo communities in northwestern New Mexico, a Navajo environmentalgroup is taking its fight to the global stage. Tomorrow, Eastern Navajo…

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