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Anti-Uranium activist Saiku Chaki murdered

11. August 2014

Justice in India is fragile when it comes to the topic of anti-uranium protesting. Saiku Chaki, a senior activist and Ex UCIL-employee, was murdered in his home in the UCIL Turamidh colony. The police filed a case against 25 named and 300 unnamed persons for assembling at the police station when the body was taken…

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Nuclear power is fading worldwide

6. August 2014

According to a report from Vox magazine, global use of nuclear power is decreasing since the Fukushima incident. Only 31 countries are still operating nuclear power plants.

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Problems with water at Cigar Lake uranium mine

21. July 2014

Some of the work at Cigar Lake uranium mine in Saskatchewan is on halt, because the freezing technique used to keep the water out of the mining area is not giving the desired results. Source: Globalnews.

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Speaking notes of Grand Chief Dr. Matthew Coon Come Presentation to the BAPE

18. July 2014

This is a transcript of the speech held by Grand Chief Dr. Matthew Coon Come in front of the BAPE commission in Montreal on the topic of uranium exploitation in Cree territory.

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Fairtrade in Gronau – Ein Kommentar von Frank Zimmermann

8. July 2014

In der Fairtrade-Szene kursiert ein afrikanisches Sprichwort: „Wenn viele kleine Leute an vielen kleinen Orten viele kleine Dinge tun, können sie das Gesicht der Welt verändern.“ Eine schöne Botschaft, die allen Mut macht, die angesichts der täglichen Katastrophenmeldungen aus aller Welt das Gefühl haben, bei sich vor der Haustür sowieso nichts ändern zu können.  …

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Atomkraftgegner demonstrierten vor Urananreicherungsanlage Gronau: „NRW-Landesregierung darf Uranmüll-Dauerlager nicht genehmigen“

27. June 2014

AtomkraftgegnerInnen aus dem Münsterland und dem westlichen Niedersachsen demonstrierten heute Vormittag vor der Urananreicherungsanlage (UAA) im westfälischen Gronau gegen die drohende Inbetriebnahme des neuen Uranmüll-Dauerlagers. In Gronau sollen 60 000 Tonnen Uranoxid zeitlich unbefristet gelagert werden.

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Almoustapha Alhacen visits Münster, Gronau and Lingen

25. June 2014

On monday, Almoustapha Alhacen and social activists visited Münster, talking about uranium exploitation and the consequences in Niger. He then visited Urenco’s uranium enrichment plant in Gronau, Northwest Germany. Urenco is allowed to store up to 60.000 tons (!) of depleted uranium here. The storage area is simply the hangar in the background. BIG thank…

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(OENZ study) Uranium Mining in the DR Congo – A radiant business for European Nuclear Companies?

24. June 2014

(OENZ study from 2011) “25 years after the catastrophe of Tshernobyl and only months after the nuclear meltdown of Fukushima, nuclear energy is a growing market. Even as protests against nuclear energy rise worldwide, several hundred nuclear power plants are planned to be built in the next decade. Today the risks of nuclear power technology…

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Strateco stops Matoush Project

23. June 2014

The Strateco company has called the quits on the Matoush project. The company says this decision is due to Quebec government’s refusal to issue the final permit for advanced exploration. “The damages arising from the liquidation of the Matoush camp and any cost associated with reopening the camp in the future add to the damages…

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Almoustapha Alhacen Tour #2 (24.Juni): Lingen

18. June 2014

Dienstag 24. Juni – LINGEN – Ort und Uhrzeit stehen noch nicht fest

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Almoustapha Alhacen Tour #1 (23.Juni): Münster

18. June 2014

Bericht aus Niger: Uranabbau und die Folgen, WANN:23. Juni 2014, 19:30 Uhr WO:VHS-Forum-2, Aegidiimarkt 2, Münster veranstaltet von: SofA Münster, Greenpeace Münster, Eine-Welt-Forum Münster und VHS Münster siehe auch: sofa-ms.de

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Almoustapha Alhacen Tour #3 (26.Juni): Berlin

18. June 2014

Flyer zur Veranstaltung (PDF) WANN:26. Juni 2014, 18 Uhr WO:Afrika-Haus, Bochumer Straße 25, 10555 Berlin Eine gemeinsame Veranstaltung der Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung und Menschenrechte 3000. Die nigrische Organisation Aghirin’man engagiert sich seit 2000 gegen die negativen Auswirkungen des Uranabbaus. Almoustapha Alhacen von Aghirin‘man wird über die Situation in Niger und den Widerstand der Bevölkerung berichten.

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BAPE hearings in Eeyou Istchee: Crees united in their opposition to uranium development

10. June 2014

This week, public hearings in Eeyou Istchee made one thing pretty clear: The Cree Nation as a whole stands against the idea of uranium activities on their lands. As the digital journal reports, the Cree are willing to cooperate with the government to share the resources of their area – making an exception in the…

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Police searches at Areva and Lauvergeon

6. June 2014

About ten searches have been carried out this Monday June 3, at Areva company’s headquarters in the process of investigations on the 2007 “gold” purchasing of the Canadian Mining Company, UraMin by the French nuclear Giant. Another search was operated at Anne Lauvergion and other high-ranked employees.

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Study: “Uranium Mining – Impact on Health and Environment” info brochure

4. June 2014

via [umweltfairaendern]: The Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung East Africa Office has published a study in cooperation with LHRC Tanzania. The study includes forewords by Dr. Helen Kijo-Bisimba (LHRC) and Dr. Robert Mtonga (IPPNW). Also included is the opening speech of the Dar es Salaam conference in October 2013. The articles touch general topics around health, environment,…

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Uranium transport to Jadugoda stopped

13. May 2014

According to “Anti Atom Indien“, a uranium transport from Bagjata to Jadugoda in India has been stopped by a group of armed men at Mai 7th 2014. Since then, no more uranium was transported from the mine in Bagjata to the mill in Jadugoda.

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Denison becomes majority owner of Faléa mine project

8. May 2014

On Nov. 18, 2013, Denison Mines Corp. announced that approximately 100,541,657 common shares of Rockgate Capital Corp. have been validly deposited to Denison’s offer to acquire all of the outstanding shares of Rockgate. Denison has taken up and accepted for payment all of such shares, representing approximately 86% of the outstanding shares.On Jan. 17, 2014,…

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75 percent of more than 10.000 abandoned Uranium mines in the US are located on federal and tribal lands

28. April 2014

Quote from factsheet, compiled by Charmaine White Face for the Clean Up the Mines campaign: “The Mining companies walked away from their clean up responsibilities after decades of mining, leaving the public to bear their toxic legacy. The costs for clean-up of these abandoned sites have been moved from the past uranium mining operators onto…

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Ostermarsch Uranfabrik Gronau mit Anthony Lyamunda

28. April 2014

Besuch aus Tansania beim Ostermarsch-Auftakt an der Uranfabrik im westfälischen Gronau. Bereits am gestrigen Donnerstag traf der Aktivist Anthony Lyamunda den Bundestagsabgeordneten Hubertus Zdebel in Münster.       Berichte von Dirk Seifert (umweltfairaendern.de): Ostermarsch an Uranfabrik Gronau: Dreckiges Uran aus Afrika und: Uranfabrik Gronau: “Atomanlage, mit der die Bundesrepublik ihren Status als potenzielle Atommacht…

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Uran – Strahlender Fluch

22. April 2014

Das atomare Risiko beginnt mit dem Abbau des radioaktiven Schwermetalls Uran. Einem Rohstoff, der (bereits) auf seinem Weg von der Lagerstätte bis zum Reaktor für militärische Zwecke instrumentalisiert werden kann. Der Abbau des für den Betrieb von AKWs und Atomwaffen notwendigen Energieträgers führt zu erheblichen Umwelt- und Gesundheitsschäden, zu einem immensen Wasser-, Flächen- und Energieverbrauch…

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Toxik Legacy of Uranium Mining in the Grand Canyon

14. April 2014

Democracy Now: “A Slow Genocide of the People”: Uranium Mining Leaves Toxic Nuclear Legacy on Indigenous Land Grand Canyon is the site of a battle over toxic uranium mining. Last year, a company called Energy Fuels Resources was given federal approval to reopen a mine six miles from the Grand Canyon’s popular South Rim entrance.…

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One billion dollar settlement for Navajo uranium cleanup

9. April 2014

As the Arizona Daily Star reports, the Navajo Nation has won a settlement of more than 1Billion US-dollars for cleaning up the abandoned uranium mines formerly owned by Anadarko Petroleum Corp. The settlement resolves a legal battle over Tronox Inc., a 2005 spinoff of Kerr-McGee Corp. Anadarko acquired Kerr-McGee in 2006.

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Der Standard: Interview with Golden Misabiko

2. April 2014

Bianca Blei of Der Standard interviews Golden Misabiko on Human rights issues, his opinion of the United Nations, and the ongoing illegal uranium mining in the DR Congo: Menschenrechtsaktivist: “Erneuerbare Energie rettet Leben in Afrika”.

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Protests in Niger – ROTAB demonstration March 29th

1. April 2014

Find a french report on the ROTAB-demonstration here: http://nigerinformation.blogspot.ca/2014/03/la-marche-du-rotab-du-samedi-29-et-la.html

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Neues Uran-Bergwerk in Tschechien in Planung

1. April 2014

[via greenpeace] In Tschechien soll nach dem Willen der staatlichen Fördergesellschaft Diamo ein neues Uran-Bergwerk entstehen. Ministerpräsident Bohuslav Sobotka signalisierte bei einem Besuch der nach 60 Jahren nahezu ausgeschöpften Uran-Grube Rožná am Montag Unterstützung für das Projekt. Arbeitsplätze in der Region müssten erhalten bleiben, sagte der Sozialdemokrat nach Angaben der Agentur ČTK. Bedingung sei eine…

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