(OENZ study) Uranium Mining in the DR Congo – A radiant business for European Nuclear Companies?

(OENZ study from 2011) “25 years after the catastrophe of Tshernobyl and only months after the nuclear meltdown of Fukushima, nuclear energy is a growing market. Even as protests against nuclear energy rise worldwide, several hundred nuclear power plants are planned to be built in the next decade. Today the risks of nuclear power technology are discussed intensively.

But so far medical scientists and environmental activists focus their attention mostly on the dangers of running nuclear power stations and the final storage of atomic wastes. Hardly any attention is paid to the circumstances under which uranium, the raw material for atomic energy, is produced. The global argumentation neglects the working conditions in uranium mines, the health risks, the environmental damages, the circle of recipients to which the radiating material is sold, and the flow of profits in this business.”

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