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read moreBy Ahni Mar 8, 2009 The Toronto-based mining company, Uranium One—who’s “operations have been made possible with backing from the Canadian Embassy and CIDA (Canadian International Development Agency) in South Africa”—stands accused of human rights abuses and the systemic violation of workers rights at the Dominion Reefs Uranium mine in South Africa. The Canadian Pension…
read moreAllgemeine Zeitung (AZ), Windhoek, Namibia vom 16.02.2009 von Stefan Fischer Bis zum Jahr 2030 wird sich der Energiebedarf in Namibia nach Angaben von NamPower von jetzt 450 auf dann 1400 Megawatt (MW) mehr als verdreifachen. Durch Importe sowie Projekte im eigenen Land will der staatliche Stromversorger den erhöhten Verbrauch decken.
read moreThe impact of uranium mining on indigenous communities by Winona LaDuke Published in the January/February 2009 issue of Orion magazine IN A DINE CREATION STORY, the people were given a choice of two yellow powders. They chose the yellow dust of corn pollen, and were instructed to leave the other yellow powder—uranium—in the soil and…
read moreAllgemeine Zeitung (AZ) , Namibia, 09.02.2009 NamWater plant eigene Entsalzungsanlage – 54 Mio. Kubikmeter für Minen benötigt: Bei Meile 6 nördlich von Swakopmund soll eine weitere Entsalzungsanlage entstehen. Für 1,8 Milliarden Namibia-Dollar will NamWater eine 90 Mio. Kubikmeter Anlage errichten lassen.
read moreBy Tanya Roberts February 17, 2009, Johannesburg, South Africa Last month South African mineworker, community and environmental justice activists celebrated an important victory. On January 23, the South African Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration (CCMA) granted an arbitration award in favour of workers from Dominion Reefs Uranium mine, owned and operated by Toronto-based company…
read moreBy: Liezel Hill 10th February 2009 TORONTO (miningweekly.com) – An agreement on a private placement and offtake pact with a consortium of Japanese firms will not only ensure that Canadian uranium miner Uranium One is well-funded – thanks to a C$270-million cash injection – but will also boost the firm’s strategic positioning, president and CEO…
read moreby Mark Dowie Published in the January / February 2009 issue of Orion magazine A CARIBOU CALVING GROUND – Nunavut, Canada: June days lengthen and snow melts to reveal tiny bright wildflowers and nutritious lichens. Thousands of pregnant caribou gather in tight circles. They are gaunt and exhausted from their six-hundred-mile migration from the boreal…
read moreJanuary 19, 2009 The Dominion Reefs uranium mine in South Africa, owned and operated by the Canadian company Uranium One, has continuously been exposed for systematic violations of workers’ rights and basic environmental regulations.
read moreBy: Esmarie Swanepoel 11th November 2008 JOHANNESBURG (miningweekly.com) – Uranium One has started retrenching about 1 013 of its 1 175 employees employed at the Dominion mine, in South Africa, trade union Solidarity said on Tuesday. Solidarity received an Article 189 notice from the Toronto-based uranium producer Uranium One, in which the company gave notice…
read moreby Bruno Chareyron, 2008 A brief article about the hazards from radiation from uranium mining published in: Broder J. Merkel and Andrea Hasche-BergerUranium, Mining and Hydrogeology2008, page 451-458 … read more
read moreAnna Bednik from: Le Monde diplomatique / July 6, 2008 The Nigerien Movement for Justice (NMJ) (1), which is mostly a Tuareg organisation, warned in a recent press release: “If armed struggle is the only way to make ourselves heard, then that is the way forward.” Twelve years after the 24 April 1995 peace accord…
read moreSeit mehr als 30 Jahren baut die frühere COGEMA / heutige AREVA Uran im Niger ab.Jetzt soll der Uranabbau erheblich ausgeweitet werden … das weltgrößte Uranbergwerke, Imouraren, soll dort entstehen. Die Tuareg und andere in der Region lebenden Menschen leiden …
read more24 April 2008, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada The Province will not support the exploration and development of uranium in British Columbia and is establishing a “no registration reserve” under the Mineral Tenure Act for uranium and thorium, Minister of State for Mining Kevin Krueger announced today.
read moreLabrador’s Nunatsiavut government narrowly passed a controversial bill Tuesday that prohibits uranium mining on Inuit-owned land for three years. The moratorium, which passed 8-7, goes into effect immediately and will stay in place until March 31, 2011 when it will be revisited, according to a news release. The ban applies to the working, production, mining…
read moreCity council in Moncton, N.B., voted unanimously Monday night to call on the province to ban all uranium exploration and mining in New Brunswick. The Liberal Government of New Brunswick defeated a ban on uranium mining in New Brunswick. Environmental groups continue to struggle for a ban. Futher information:CBC News – Moncton wants N.B. to…
read moreThe state of Virginia / US has a current moratorium on uranium mining in place since 1981. It can be lifted only if the Virginia General Assembly enacts enabling legislation to allow for development of regulations to mine uranium.
read moreBy: Matthew Hill 22nd February 2008 While distressed uranium-miner Uranium One’s stock continued its downward spiral on Friday, shedding a further 15%, questions had been raised about the legitimacy of its Dominion Reefs Uranium Mine, near Klerksdorp, after 2008 production forecasts were slashed by one-quarter.
read moreBy Jon A. Nones February 21, 2008 St. LOUIS () — More bad news has befallen a uranium producer much covered by RI. On Thursday, Uranium One slashed its 2008 production forecast by 32% from a previous estimate due to slow underground development of the Dominion mine in South Africa. And CEO Neal Froneman resigned.
read moreBy: Desislava Tzoneva 14th December 2007 The capital cost to complete phase one of Uranium One’s Dominion Reefs uranium mine (Drum) project is estimated to be about 25% more than the 2006 feasibility study estimate of $180-million. Company president and CEO Neal Froneman tells Mining Weekly that changes in design, scope, material specifications and material…
read morePressemitteilung zur “Kinderkrebsstudie”, Umweltinstitut München, 10. Oktober 2008 … read more
read moreLIBREVILLE — Irradiation, pollution des rivières, disparition de la pêche: dans un rapport publié lundi, l’ONG Brainforest alerte sur les impacts de l’exploitation minière des sociétés françaises Areva et Eramet, sur les populations dans l’est du Gabon.
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