Posts by jan
Uranium mining threatens Hualapai, Havasupai and Navajo nations, and tourism industry (The Arizona Republic, 2011, en)
Salazar’s decision to halt new uranium claims would be consistent with permanent bans by Hualapai, Havasupai and Navajo nations on their lands that surround the park….mining is a minor part of northern Arizona’s economy (unlike tourism at the Grand Canyon) Uranium mining would hurt Grand Canyon area, The Arizona Republic, Tom Chabin, 28 Feb 2011,…
Read MoreHavasupi Warned: Uranium Mining in Grand Canyon (narcosphere, 2011, en)
Havasupai Warned: Uranium Mining in Grand Canyon Posted by Brenda Norrell – March 16, 2011 at 9:36 pm By Brenda Norrell SUPAI TERRITORY (Grand Canyon) — When the Supai opposed uranium mining in the Havasupai homeland, Supai said it is a place of prayer for the well-being of the world. Protection of this sacred…
Read MoreUranabbau am Grand Canyon – Entscheidungsphase über Moratorium (Coyote, 2011, ger)
Entscheidungsphase über Moratorium von Monika Seiller, COYOTE Nr. 89/Frühjahr 2011 Am 10. März 2011 hat die Umweltbehörde Arizona Department of Environmental Quality(ADEQ)den Anträgen der Denison Mines Corp. zum Betrieb von drei neuen Uranminen am Grand Canyonim US-Bundesstaat Arizona stattgegeben und eine Genehmigung im Hinblick auf Wasser- undLuftqualität erteilt. Der Betreiber hat damit einen Teilerfolg hinsichtlich…
Read MoreNavajo Group to take Uranium mine challenge to human rights comission (Greemwire, 2011, en)
Navajo Group to Take Uranium Mine Challenge to Human Rights Commission By APRIL REESE of Greenwire Published: May 12, 2011 In a last attempt to deep-six a controversial project to mine uranium near two Navajo communities in northwestern New Mexico, a Navajo environmentalgroup is taking its fight to the global stage. Tomorrow, Eastern Navajo…
Read MoreUran-Minen versus Tourismus im Südwesten der USA (pogrom, 2011, ger)
Fukushima-Effekt am Grand Canyon? HELENA NYBERG, INCOMINDIOS SCHWEIZ, AG URAN Erst der Super-GAU in Japan hat es möglich gemacht – Risiko- Reaktoren werden überprüft oder abgestellt und die Atomdiskussionen wieder heftiger geführt. Erneuerbare Energien stehen höher im Kurs. Und wie steht es um die Energiepolitik der USA? Immerhin fürchtet man sich auf Hawai’i vor dem…
Read MoreObama administration stops new uranium mining around the Grand Canyon until December 2011 (2011, en)
Help us make sure this temporary action becomes a permanent ban … Secretary Salazar urged the Administration to adopt Earthworks’ recommendation of a more permanent, full one million acre withdrawal. The land surrounding the national park is now protected until December while the Administration works on a more comprehensive solution. Support Earthworks! This…
Read MoreMining ban extended in Grand Canyon (Center for biological diversity, 2011, en)
Mining ban extended in Grand Canyon Immediate Release, June 20, 2011Contact: Randy Serraglio, (520) 784-1504 1 Million Acres of Grand Canyon Watershed Protected From Uranium Mining GRAND CANYON NATIONAL PARK— Interior Secretary Ken Salazar extended interim protections from uranium mining today for Grand Canyon’s 1-million-acre watershed through the end of 2011; the secretary also…
Read MoreVideo: Protect the Grand Canyon from GOP Uranium Mining Plan (2011, en)
Mining inside the Grand Canyon National Park left Horn Creek radioactive and undrinkable. Visitors to the area are warned not to drink from the Creek unless, “death by thirst is the only other option”. Legislation being offered by the Republicans in the House would lead to a dramatic increase in the amount of mining around…
Read MoreTake action today to stop uranium mining near Grand Canyon! & Uranium foes: Where’s the benefit? (Sun Staff, 2011, en) TAKE ACTION TODAY TO STOP URANIUM MINING NEAR GRAND CANYON! (Attached images from ADEQ: 1. Uranium hauling routes 2. Canyon Mine) Denison Mines Corp., a Canadian corporation has submitted water and air quality permit applications to the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) in an attempt to operate uranium mines near the Grand Canyon.…
Read MoreThe environmental justice Journal (2008)
Environmental Justice Journal (please click to download this article) … which explains our work in Owe Aku to protect our sacred water from the uranium mining in Crawford, NE and the proposed mining in Edgemont, SD in our sacred He Sapa. It is about 40 pages, please feel free to print, and share, or post…
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