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click:“No Nuclear Power: Rally” (ARTICLE in StarPhoenix, Oct 5, 2009, local Saskatchewan newspaper) ANNOUNCEMENT of the Rally by the Saskatchewan Greens
read moreThe issue of uranium mining in France AND abroad was discussed.A representative from Niger reported about the situation around uranium mining in Niger.An exhibiton of the Collectif Tchinaghen on the uranium minign situation in Niger was displayed. Program of Meeting / Worhshops / Conference For more details:Collectif TchinaghenUranium-related information –> scroll down on the blog…
read more– Let’s shut down the Nuclear Power Plant at Fessenheim (France) –Demonstration of anti-nuclear groups About 10.000 people called for a shut-down of one of the oldest nuclear power plants of France, Fessenheim, on the river Rhine, and against nuclear power in general. “fermons-fessenheim” – The demonstration
read moreSeptember 18, 2009, Associated Press FLAGSTAFF, Ariz. (AP) — The Hualapai Tribe has renewed a ban on uranium mining on its land near the Grand Canyon, joining other American Indian tribes in opposing what they see as a threat to their environment and their culture. … read more
read more– Workshop – Information and Deliberation on Uranium Exploitation –Bakara / N’Djamena / TCHAD At the workshop, approx. 30 civil society representatives from Tchad, Niger, Cameroon and Centralafrican Republic (RCA) as well as international experts and moderators were present. The workshop issued a final declaration: “Declaration de Bakara” (FRENCH) (An English translation of the “Declaration…
read moreIn September 2009, a ‘Workshop of reflection and Training on Uranium Exploitation’ was held in Bakara, just outside N’Djamena, the capital of Chad, in the face of the fact that a variety of uranium mining companies had started to explore for uranium in the sub-Sahara region countries. Participants from Chad, Cameroon, Centralafrican Republic (CAR /…
read moreBy: Liezel Hill 10th August 2009 TORONTO (miningweekly.com) – Vancouver-based Uranium One reported a second quarter loss of $265-million, compared with a $68-million loss a year earlier, mainly because of a write-off of $251-million associated with the firm’s Dominion mine, in South Africa, which was closed last year and is now being held for sale.
read moreAb Mittwoch, 13. Mai 2009, wird eine Delegation aus mehreren afrikanischen Ländern über die teilweise desaströsen Auswirkungen der Abbaus des Energierohstoffs Uran auf Umwelt und Gesundheit der Menschen sprechen und dem hier gezeichneten Bild des “sauberen Atomstroms” die Realität des schmutzigen Uranabbau gegenüberstellen.
read moreF. Knolle, S. Haneklaus and E. Schnug, 2009 Institute for Crop and Soil Science, Julius Kühn-Institut (JKI), Federal Research Centre for Cultivated Plants, Braunschweig, Germany Proceedings from 17th International Symposium of the International Scientific Centre of Fertilizers (CIEC), Plant Nutrient Management Under Stress Conditions,November 24-27, 2008, Egypt. El-Zaiem Press, Cairo-Giza 2008 Egyptian National Library Legal…
read moreMining has a tradition over many centuries in Saxony and Thuringia. In the southern region of the Ore Mountains (Erzgebirge) mining yielded copper, nickel and tin, silver, cobalt and bismuth. After World War II, also the production and processing of uranium took place on a mayor scale. This occurred in the beginning on orders of…
read moreDie Kontroverse um das Management der Schweinegrippe-„Pandemie“ A(H1N1) durch die Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO) wirft ein krasses Licht auf das Vorgehen dieser UNO-Agentur. Die Parlamentarische Versammlung des Europarats hat auf Vorschlag von Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, ehemaliger Präsident des Unterausschusses für Gesundheit, beschlossen, einen Bericht zur Frage eines etwaigen heimlichen Einverständnisses zwischen Impfstoffherstellern und bestimmten WHO-Experten auszuarbeiten.
read moreArtikel aus “Strahlentelex” über die Uranbergarbeiterstudie … read more
read moreDoug Brugge, PhD, MS, and Rob Goble, PhD From World War II until 1971, the government was the sole purchaser of uranium ore in the United States. Uranium mining occurred mostly in the southwestern United Statesand drew many Native Americans and others into work in the mines and mills. Despite a long and well-developed understanding,based…
read moreEurope Germany WISE Uranium ProjectThe most comprehensive, encyclopadic site on Uranium, U mining, U companies etc. with a lot of basic information on the Uranium industry Internationale Ärzte für die Verhütung des Atonkriegs / International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW) Nuclear-Free Future Award, München Initiative Strahlendes Klima / Nuking the Climate, BerlinAn…
read more[07/07/2009] (URANIUM MINE of SHINKOLOBWE: From Illegal artisanal Exploitation to the Accord between the DR Congo and the French Nuclear Groupe AREVA) published by the ASADHIO KATANGA – Association Africaine de Défense des Droits de l’Homme, Représentation du Katanga
read moreÜber Jahrzehnte baute die französische COGEMA innerhalb von Frankreich Uran ab, um dasd französische Atomwaffenprogramm und die französischen AKWs mit Brenstoff zu versorgen.
read moreKurze Übersicht über die Gesetzgebungen in Malawi.
read moreDr. Cathy Vakil M.D., C.C.F.P., F.C.F.P.Dr. Linda Harvey B.Sc., M.Sc., M.D.May 2009 This paper will examine the health risks associated with the nuclear power industry at all stages – from uranium mining, to the fission process in reactors, to radioactive waste, and will comment on the risk of nuclear war, which we regard as the…
read moreDie Deutsche Uranbergarbeiter-Kohortenstudie („Wismut Kohorte“) ist die weltweit größte Kohortenstudie an Bergarbeitern, die Radon und seinen Zerfallsprodukten ausgesetzt waren. Die Studie wird seit mehreren Jahren vom Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz (BfS) durchgeführt und umfasst die Daten von knapp 59.000 männlichen Bergarbeitern, die im Uranerzbergbau der Wismut in der ehemaligen DDR zwischen 1946 und 1990 beschäftigt waren.…
read moreKurzversion einer Präsentation von Anthony Lyamunda während des von Tanzania-network.de e.V. veranstalteten Studientages zum Thema „Gold, Uran und Edelsteine – Wie reich ist Tansania wirklich?“ (english translation included)
read moreOne maps the Uranium players in Malawi and the other reviews the legal and policy framework which regulates uranium mining in the country. Having reviewed the uranium mining policy and legal framework, we concluded that its self-regulating and hence it allows the industry to loot and plunder. click the picture(s) to see and download the…
read moreThe French NGOs ‘Areva ne fera pas la loi au Niger’ and the NGO Tchinaghen published the documentation The Uranium Curse – The Northern Niger’s suffering from its wealth (English version) La malédiction de l’uranium – Le Nord-Niger victime de ses richesses (Version francophone) The documentation explains the history, the current situation, the rebelion, and…
read moreHistory … Niger is situated in the sub-Sahara region, at the southern border of the Sahara desert. Niger used to be a French colony and was given independence in 19 XX.When France granted independence to Niger – and adjacent West African states – they made contracts with the respective governments of these states granting the…
read moreA Golden Opportunity – Justice and Respect in Mining Download complete text as PDF
read moreCurrently 25 companies from different countries are exploring for uranium in Tanzania (www.wiseuarnium.org). Already in the 1970s radiometric survey showed several radiometric anomalies pointing to uranium enrichments as well in the South of Tanzania as in an area around Bahi in central Tanzania. During the last years these possible deposits got into the focus of…
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