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HUES3 Media Release: Helen Caldicott coming to Saskatoon

24. October 2012

MEDIA RELEASE October 24, 2012 Stop uranium mining in the province until radioactive mine tailings are contained, say 68% of Saskatchewanians  Dr. Helen Caldicott coming to Saskatoon to speak on  “Our Toxic Nuclear Legacy: Let’s END Saskatchewan’s Growing Radioactive Footprint”

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Makita: Open Letter from an Iqualuit physician (2011, en)

22. October 2012

Government of NunavutUranium Consultation March 15, 2011Dear Premier Aariak, Thank you for inviting the opinions of Nunavummiut on uranium. I am writing to you as a parent, a physician and as someone who caresdeeply about the future of Nunavut. I have not been shy to speak outagainst nuclear energy and specifically uranium mining. Part of…

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HUES3 Core Committe: New Facebook page and media censorship

20. October 2012

Hi everyone,   Thanks to the kind efforts of the webmaster for Coalition for a Clean Green Saskatchewan, which hosts the HUES3 Campaign web page, we have a Facebook page for the media release distributed earlier this week:   Saskatchewan public opinion survey tells CCNI Nuclear Centre, “No nukes in the tar sands!”

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Ontario’s new mining rules eliminate most exploration on private land

18. October 2012

By Tom Spears, Ottawa Citizen, ottawacitizen.com OTTAWA — Big changes to Ontario’s Mining Act will prevent companies from looking for uranium and other resources on private land, and require consultation elsewhere from First Nations. That makes Marilyn Crawford happy, mostly

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The Myth behind ‘Low Level Radiation’ (LaRRI-Report)

26. September 2012

download full text (pdf) 1. Introduction This report is the result of a project on uranium mining in Namibia commissioned by the Centre for Research on Multi-national Corporations (SOMO). The findings are based on secondary literature drawn mainly from the writings of Earthlife Namibia and empirical data collected by LaRRI during July and August 2007.…

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New Website by IFES, GREN, ROTAB and CODDAE

26. September 2012

The project IFES au Niger has launched this Website with partners GREN, ROTAB and CODDAE. Quote: “La création du site CIEXTRAN.ORG cadre avec le programme de l’IFES au Niger qui bénéficie du soutien technique et financier de l’USAID et qui vise à « améliorer la transparence et la participation citoyenne dans les industries extractives au Niger ».”

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Dirt Cheap 30 years on – Screening in Amsterdam, Brussels, Berlin

18. September 2012

The reworked edition of the 1980 film: Dirt Cheap 30 years on will be shown in movie theaters throughout Europe. Sunday, September 23rd 8pm, at the SMART Project Space in Amsterdam.  Wednesday, September 26th 6pm, in the Fairtrade Room of Mundo-B, 26 rue d’Edimbourg, 1050 Brussels. Friday, September 28th 8.30pm, at Cinema Moviemento in Berlin-Kreuzberg.…

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Communiqué de presse CRIIRAD et AGHIRIN’MAN du 1er septembre 2012

4. September 2012

A l’issue de réunions de travail à Valence (France), du 21 au 28 août 2012 concernant l’impact des activités d’extraction de l’uranium dans le nord du Niger, la CRIIRAD et l’ONG AGHIRIN’MAN (Niger) ont demandé dans un communiqué de presse commun en date du 28 août qu’AREVA réalise une nouvelle étude d’impact environnemental pour son…

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RWE to phase out of nuclear power?

20. August 2012

RWE, a big energy player in Germany, plans to get out of nuclear power. The new CEO, Peter Terium, stated this in a press conference last week. If RWE really holds up on that statement, this is a big step towards the acknowledgement of alternative energy forms in Germany. View/Download PDF (Skip to page 14…

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The James Bay Cree Nation enacts permanent uranium moratorium in James Bay territory

13. August 2012

Grand Council of the Crees News Download/View PDF Waskaganish, Eeyou Istchee, (August 9, 2012) —The James Bay Cree Nation has declared a Permanent Moratorium on uranium exploration, uranium mining and uranium waste emplacement in Eeyou Istchee, the James Bay Cree territory. The permanent moratorium was enacted unanimously by the Annual Cree Nation General Assembly in…

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Press Release Re: World Heritage Comittee Decision on Selous Game Reserve Boundary Changes

31. July 2012

[30.07.2012] Elephants, Rhinos and the environment under threat from 60 million tons of radioactive waste as World Heritage Committee agrees boundary change that will allow uranium mining at the Tanzania Selous Game Reserve – a World Heritage site.  

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Yellow Cake – die Lüge von der sauberen Energie

31. July 2012

Yellow Cake – die Lüge von der sauberen Energieein Film von Joachim Tschirner

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Uranium Mining – what does it mean for Tanzania?

31. July 2012

by Civil Education is the Solution to Poverty and Environmental Management (CESOPE), Foundation for Environmental Management and Campaign against Poverty (FEMAPO) and Uranium-network.org c/o Menschenrechte 3000.     Download/View PDF

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New Article: Mining Worldwide: Canada

31. July 2012

We have linked an article by Warren Bernauer of The Dominion on the Inuit campaign against Uranium Mining in Nunavut and on the accusations of bias against the Nunavut government.

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Uranium Territory: Inuit campaign for referendum over mine in far north (The Dominion Article)

31. July 2012

by Warren BernauerThe Dominion (http://www.dominionpaper.ca/articles/4532)July 23, 2012 While the government of Nunavut has given the go ahead to uranium mining on their territory, they are facing multiple accusations of bias and acting without consulting the population.

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Survival Celebration Camp for Sustainable Earth in Canada

27. July 2012

Download poster as PDF

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26. July 2012

Alle hier verwendeten Namen, Begriffe, Zeichen und Grafiken können Marken- oder Warenzeichen im Besitze ihrer rechtlichen Eigentümer sein. Die Rechte aller erwähnten und benutzten Marken- und Warenzeichen liegen ausschließlich bei deren Besitzern.   AG uranium-network.org MENSCHENRECHTE 3000 e.V. Postfach 5102 79018 Freiburg Deutschland 0761 – 44 36 56 www.uranium-network.org mail@uranium-network.org   der Vertretungsberechtigte Günter Wippel…

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Uranium Mining and Milling in Virginia, USA

26. July 2012

Uranium Mining and Milling in Virginia, USAAn educational video about uranium mining and its boom and bust economy.There is a state-wide Moratorium on Uranium Mining in Virginia, US

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Uranium Mining Hearing in Arizona

26. July 2012

Uranium Mining Hearing – ArizonaCall for a Ban on Uranium Mining in Grand Canyon area, USApril 8, 2008, Arizona Daily Sun (4:22 minute clip)Leaders in the Hualapai, Havasupai, Kaibab Paiute, Hopi an dNavajo raised pollution concerns and asekd for ban on uranium ming aanywhere near the Grand Canyon (USA) during a congressional field hearing today…

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Its not over! – 13 years fighting uranium mining in New Mexico / US

26. July 2012

“It’s not over.” – 13 years fighting uranium mining in New Mexico / USEastern Navajo Dine against Uranium Mining (ENDAUM)Mitchell Capitan from ENDAUM speaks out about WHY they resist uranium mining, specifially ISL- in-situ-leach mining in the area of Crown point, New Mexico, US, and their responsibility towards future generations. (3:24 minute clip)

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Poison Wind

26. July 2012

Poison WindA 6:47 minute trailer for a documentary telling the story of a corrupt government, unconscionable greed and a policy of destruction aimed at the Aboriginal Homelands of Indigenous People from the 1940’s until today. It is a documentary set against the Indigenous landscape of the Desert Southwest and focuses on lives being destroyed by…

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Uranium: Boom, Bust and Back Again

26. July 2012

Uranium: Boom, Bust and Back AgainRough cut of our documentary about the history of Grants, New Mexico which is the Uranium Capital of the World. Mining is a major part of our community’s history but everyone isn’t sure if they want it back or not. Music by Deana Tenorio.

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Uranium Mining pollutes drinking water

26. July 2012

Uranium Mining Pollutes Drinking WaterArt Dohman, Chairman of the Goliad County Uranium Research Advisory Committee, describes pollution in local drinking water aquifers caused by uranium mining in Texas.ALTURA asks for a moratorium now on uranium exploration and mining in Teas drinking water aquifers.

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Hearings on Uranium Mining in Virginia, USA

26. July 2012

Hearings on Uranium Mining in Virginia, USAThe 14:22min video features experts such as Dr. Paul Robinson from Siuthwest REsearch and Information Center, Albuquerque, as well as Prof Manuel Pino, speaking out about the experiences of people tin the Southwest US re: Uranium mining.

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All that glitters is not gold

26. July 2012

All that glitters is not goldAn excellent 7:49 minute video about Olympic Dam Mine in Australia including a good short eplanation of uranium mining and its impacts on environment, people and health.

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