Posts by jan
Magnis Resources steigt in Graphitbergbau in Tansania ein
Informationsblatt zum Nachu Graphite Project in Tansania und der öffentlich-privaten Partnerschaft der WiN Emscher-Lippe GmbH in NRW Aufgrund des niedrigen Uranpreises will Magnis Resources, auch bekannt als Uranex, noch warten, bis das Unternehmen möglicherweise mit der Uranproduktion in Tansania beginnt. Profitabler scheint unter den aktuellen politischen Vorzeichen der Digitalisierung der Graphitbergbau: Graphit ist wesentlicher Bestandteil…
Read More“World Heritage Watch Report 2018” out now
German NGO World Heritage Watch (WHW) published its 2018 Report. WHW will hold its 4th International Civil Society Forum on World Heritage just days before the start of this years UNESCO World Heritage Committee session in Manama, Bahrein (24. June – 4. July 2018). The Report highlights dangers towards natural and cultural World Heritage sites,…
Read MoreDemo in Lingen (D)
Unter dem Motto “Atomrisiko jetzt beenden!” findet am 9. Juni 2018 eine Demonstration in Lingen statt. – weitere Infos
Read MoreGoldman prize awarded to South African women who stopped an international nuclear deal
Liz McDaid, and Makoma Lekalakala of Earthlife Africa Johannesburg (ELA JHB) are winners of the world’s leading “Goldman Environmental Prize”. Liz and Makoma have been recognised for their leadership in the struggle against an unlawful nuclear energy deal in South Africa. They were the sole signatories of a successful legal challenge against the plan for…
Read MoreGoldman prize awarded to South African women who stopped an international nuclear deal
Liz McDaid, and Makoma Lekalakala of Earthlife Africa Johannesburg (ELA JHB) are winners of the world’s leading “Goldman Environmental Prize”. Liz and Makoma have been recognised for their leadership in the struggle against an unlawful nuclear energy deal in South Africa. They were the sole signatories of a successful legal challenge against the plan for…
Read MoreTurning point for the Karoo
Australian uranium company Peninsula Energy had planned to mine uranium in the Karoo, an arid region in South Africa. However, these plans were met by strong local resistance, supported by nationwide South African organisations, among others by SAFCEI – South African Faith Based Environmental Institute. We had reported earlier. The company had announced to leave…
Read MoreAtomtransporte stoppen – aber mit System
Über den Hamburger Hafen wird regelmäßig radioaktives Material für Atomkraftwerke in alle Welt und aus aller Welt transportiert. Allein im vergangenen Jahr wurden im Hamburger Hafen etwa 300 Tonnen Kernbrennstoffe wie neue Brennelemente, angereichertes UF 6 und Uran-Pellets umgeschlagen. Die Gesamtmenge der durch Hamburg beförderten Kernbrennstoffe (einschließlich Lkw-Transporten) betrug mehr als 780 Tonnen (in den…
Read More20 years Jabiluka
20 years ago 23/3/98 the Mirarr people call to blockade the Jabiluka / Kakadua uranium mine. Here is a great film about it: FIGHT FOR COUNTRY – THE STORY OF THE JABILUKA BLOCKADE by Pip Starr. We have shown “Fight For Country” in Rio and several other cities like Berlin in the past. learn more:…
Read MoreUraniumFilmFestival
The Window Rock Uranium Film festival is scheduled for November 29th to December 1st and it will remember the legendary Indigenous World Uranium Summit (IWUS) that happened exactly 12 years before at the same location. In addition to the film screenings discussions and round tables about the question of uranium mining and nuclear power are…
Read MoreSpanien: “No a la Mina!”
Am Samstag den 24.2.2018 gingen in Salamanca 5000 Menschen auf die Straße. Auch die Vereinigung der ehemaligen Minenarbeiter aus Portugal: Vitimas de Radioactividade ATMU (Associacao dos ex-Trabalhadores Minas de Uranio) waren dabei.
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