Mining Worldwide
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Read MoreDer Fluch des Goldes und anderer Rohstoffe
Für viele Mongolen bewahrheitet sich der Terminus vom “Rohstoff-Fluch”. Minegolia – statt Mongolia – so freuen sich Bergbauunternehmen über die Möglichkeiten, nahezu ungehindert von Umweltauflagen oder NGOs, Gold, Kupfer und andere Rohstoffe in der Mongolei Gold abbauen zu können. AREVA will darüberhinaus Uran abbauen – Explorationsarbeiten und ein Testbergwerk haben bereits ungute Folgen nach sich…
Read MoreTanzania civil society organisations call for protection of Selous GAme Reserve, oppose uranium mine
“Tanzanian civil society organisations (CSOs) working in the areas of human rights, natural resources accountability and wildlife conservation, call on the World Heritage Committee to stand in solidarity with CSOs by acting on protection of the World Heritage Site. The nine NGOs state that ” … prospecting mining companies also substantially contribute to the ongoing…
Read MoreWWF lanciert Unterschriftensammlung
WWF lanciert Unterschriftensammlung zum Schutz der World Heritage site (Weltnaturerbe) Selous Game Reserve in Tanzania, das durch Uranbergbau, Explorationsaarbeiten und Dammbauten gefährdet ist. Das Wildschutz-Gebeit steht seit 2013 auf der Liste der bedrohten Weltnaturerbe-Stätten. Beteiligen Sie sich an der Unterschriftenaktion:
Read MoreNGO Conference 2016 in Istanbul participated in a NGO conference organized by World Heritage Watch, Berlin / Germany, on 8. and 9. July 2016 in Istanbul. World Heriage Watch aims at bringing civil society voices to the attentoin of the UNESCO World Heritage Committee (WHC); the session of UNESCO’s WHC starts 10. July. made the issue of World…
Read MorePaladin Africa Sued for ‘Gross Damage’
A human rights body in Malawi has sued Paladin Africa Limited (PAL) for alleged grave damage the Kayelekera Uranium Mine has caused to some miners and the surrounding communities in Karonga district. The Centre for Human Rights and Rehabilitation (CHRR) is accusing PAL of not prioritising the welfare of its employees and the…
Read MoreNOAH activist demonstrates 24/7
NOAH activist demonstrates 24/7 against uranium mining in front of Greenland’s Parliament Falke Thue Mikailsen, who is a member of NOAH’s Uranium Group, has demonstrated 24/7 since May 13th at Hans Egede Square, in front of Greenland’s Parliament, Inatsisartut. His aim is to draw attention to the necessity of a referendum on reinstatement of…
Read MoreGrève dans une mine d’Areva au Niger
Le personnel de la mine d’uranium Cominak d’Areva au Niger s’est mis en grève pour trois jours lundi, affirmant n’avoir pas perçu intégralement les primes liées à la réalisation d’objectifs financiers en 2015, ont déclaré deux syndicats. «Sur les 800 salariés de Cominak, seuls neuf n’ont pas respecté l’appel à la grève ce matin», a…
Read MoreThe video “Nukes Conference”
The video “Stop the Nuclearisation of Africa”-Conference, a brief documentation of the “Nuclearization of Africa”-Conference, Johannesburg, November 2015, has been released march 2016, giving an impression of the discussions and outcomes of the conference in Africa. A written documentation is also worked on. Some presentations are also available on DVD, please contact us if interested.”…
Read MoreWE CALL upon you to
Some days ago, we were informed about Mongolian NGO leader Beejin KHASTAMUR, founder and chairperson of DMNN, has been arrested and is inappropriately detained at this point in time by Mongolian police / authorities. Yesterday, we were informed that a second appointment for his release has passed unsuccesfully – Mongolian authorities refuse to release…
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