Posts by jan
Hearings on Uranium Mining in Virginia, USA
Hearings on Uranium Mining in Virginia, USAThe 14:22min video features experts such as Dr. Paul Robinson from Siuthwest REsearch and Information Center, Albuquerque, as well as Prof Manuel Pino, speaking out about the experiences of people tin the Southwest US re: Uranium mining.
Read MoreAll that glitters is not gold
All that glitters is not goldAn excellent 7:49 minute video about Olympic Dam Mine in Australia including a good short eplanation of uranium mining and its impacts on environment, people and health.
Read MoreYellow Dirt
YELLOW DIRT …An American story of a Poisoned Land and a People BetrayedOctober 5, 2010 (2:49 clip)Award-winning reporter Judy Pasternak tells the haunting story of uranium mining on the Navajo desert and its terrible, long-ignored legacy.
Read MoreLeft in the Dust – Arevas Uranium Mining in Niger
Left in the Dust – Areva’s Uranium Mining in Niger (english)Verlassen im Staub (deutsch)Uranium mines in Niger operated by the state-owned French nuclear giant AREVA continue to create a radioactive hazard for the people living nearby. A new report released today by Greenpeace reveals contamination levels in the air, water and soil above internationally accepted…
Read MoreSchmutziges Uran – Die Kehrseite der sauberen Kernenergie
Schmutziges Uran – Die Kehrseite der “sauberen” Kernenergie” ARD – Kontraste, 16. September 2010In Afrika wird seit Jahrzehnten Uran abgebaut – auch für deutsche Atomkraftwerke. Die Bedingungen sind of katastrophal. Ganze Landstriche werden verstrahlt, Arbeiter sterben qualvoll. Doch der Bedarf an Natururan steigt weiter, auch wegen der geplanten Laufzeitverlängerung in Deutschland.
Read MoreUranstory
Uranstory (deutsch)10-minütige, sehr informative Einführung in die Brennstoffkette – vom Uranabbau über Anreicherung, Funktion von AKWs bis hin zur Endlagerproblematik, unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Schweiz.
Read MoreProtest against the expansion of the Olympic Dam Mine (Roxby Downs, Australia)
Activists have made camp to protest in front of the Olympic Dam Mine near Roxby Downs, 560 kilometres north-west of Adelaide. A Gate was broken, and there have been a few arrests at the otherwise peaceful demonstration site. Police says roadblocks around the area will remain in place for a week. If you want further…
Read MoreHealth Risks of Nuclear Power (Study)
Jan Willem Storm van LeeuwenIndependent consultantCeedataChaam, The Netherlands22 November 2010 AbstractThis study starts with a physical assessment of the quantities of the radioactivity being generated and mobilized by the entire system of related industrial processes making civilian nuclear power possible. It assesses the actual and potential exposure of the public to natural and human-made nuclear…
Read MoreInternational Uranium Film Festival in Rio de Janeiro
The second International Uranium Film Festival yesterday screened 3 important films about the so called Depleted Uranium Weapons: The Third Nuclear Bomb, The Veteran’s Accusation, by Director: Maurizio Torrealta (Rainews24), Italy. Quirra is a Radioactive Dump, by Flaviano Masella (Rainews24), Italy. Blowin’ in the Wind, by David Bradbury, Australia. These films should get as much…
Read MoreMögliche Wiederaufnahme des Uran-Abbaus in Ungarn (Wirtschaftswoche)
Pester Lloyd – 21.06.2012, Die ungarische Regierung denkt über die Wideraufnahme des Uran-Abbaus in den Mecsek Hügeln bei Pécs bzw. Szekszárd nach (Südungarn), das kündigte der Pécser Bürgermeister Zsólt Pava (Fidesz) auf einer Pressekonferenz am Dienstag an. Es soll zunächst festgestellt werden, ob die Gegend aus sozialer, technologischer und Umwelt-Sicht weiterhin in Frage kommt.…
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