Posts by jan
Anti-Uranium activist Saiku Chaki murdered
Justice in India is fragile when it comes to the topic of anti-uranium protesting. Saiku Chaki, a senior activist and Ex UCIL-employee, was murdered in his home in the UCIL Turamidh colony. The police filed a case against 25 named and 300 unnamed persons for assembling at the police station when the body was taken…
Read MoreNuclear power is fading worldwide
According to a report from Vox magazine, global use of nuclear power is decreasing since the Fukushima incident. Only 31 countries are still operating nuclear power plants.
Read MoreProblems with water at Cigar Lake uranium mine
Some of the work at Cigar Lake uranium mine in Saskatchewan is on halt, because the freezing technique used to keep the water out of the mining area is not giving the desired results. Source: Globalnews.
Read MoreSpeaking notes of Grand Chief Dr. Matthew Coon Come Presentation to the BAPE
This is a transcript of the speech held by Grand Chief Dr. Matthew Coon Come in front of the BAPE commission in Montreal on the topic of uranium exploitation in Cree territory.
Read MoreFairtrade in Gronau – Ein Kommentar von Frank Zimmermann
In der Fairtrade-Szene kursiert ein afrikanisches Sprichwort: „Wenn viele kleine Leute an vielen kleinen Orten viele kleine Dinge tun, können sie das Gesicht der Welt verändern.“ Eine schöne Botschaft, die allen Mut macht, die angesichts der täglichen Katastrophenmeldungen aus aller Welt das Gefühl haben, bei sich vor der Haustür sowieso nichts ändern zu können. …
Read MoreAtomkraftgegner demonstrierten vor Urananreicherungsanlage Gronau: „NRW-Landesregierung darf Uranmüll-Dauerlager nicht genehmigen“
AtomkraftgegnerInnen aus dem Münsterland und dem westlichen Niedersachsen demonstrierten heute Vormittag vor der Urananreicherungsanlage (UAA) im westfälischen Gronau gegen die drohende Inbetriebnahme des neuen Uranmüll-Dauerlagers. In Gronau sollen 60 000 Tonnen Uranoxid zeitlich unbefristet gelagert werden.
Read MoreAlmoustapha Alhacen visits Münster, Gronau and Lingen
On monday, Almoustapha Alhacen and social activists visited Münster, talking about uranium exploitation and the consequences in Niger. He then visited Urenco’s uranium enrichment plant in Gronau, Northwest Germany. Urenco is allowed to store up to 60.000 tons (!) of depleted uranium here. The storage area is simply the hangar in the background. BIG thank…
Read More(OENZ study) Uranium Mining in the DR Congo – A radiant business for European Nuclear Companies?
(OENZ study from 2011) “25 years after the catastrophe of Tshernobyl and only months after the nuclear meltdown of Fukushima, nuclear energy is a growing market. Even as protests against nuclear energy rise worldwide, several hundred nuclear power plants are planned to be built in the next decade. Today the risks of nuclear power technology…
Read MoreStrateco stops Matoush Project
The Strateco company has called the quits on the Matoush project. The company says this decision is due to Quebec government’s refusal to issue the final permit for advanced exploration. “The damages arising from the liquidation of the Matoush camp and any cost associated with reopening the camp in the future add to the damages…
Read MoreAlmoustapha Alhacen Tour #2 (24.Juni): Lingen
Dienstag 24. Juni – LINGEN – Ort und Uhrzeit stehen noch nicht fest
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