Posts by jan
After the Uranium Moratorium: The global UBAN movement
Background: July 28, 2015, Gordon Edwards. Uranium Moratorium in Quebec –> Declaration of the World Uranium Symposium –> UBAN movement There has never been a uranium mine in the province of Quebec. In the last decade, however, there has been a great deal of uranium exploration…
Read MoreNunavut Impact Review Board Issues Final Hearing Report Following Review of AREVA Resources Canada Incorporated’s “Kiggavik Uranium Mine” Project
CAMBRIDGE BAY, NU – May 8, 2015 – The Nunavut Impact Review Board (NIRB or the Board) has completed its review of AREVA Resources Canada Incorporated’s (AREVA) “Kiggavik Uranium Mine” Project (the Kiggavik Project or Project) and submitted its Final Hearing Report, including recommendations, to the federal Minister of Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development and…
Read MoreJungle World interview mit Golden Misabiko
Zum Interview Akustische Version – Südnordfunk Vielen Dank an das iz3w Informationszentrum 3. Welt, dessen MitarbeiterInnen das Interview geführt hatten!
Read MoreWorld Uranium Symposium 2015 – birth of the Quebec Declaration
The World Uranium Symposium 2015 closed with a moving speech by Matthew Coon Come and the birth of the Quebec declaration on Uranium. Looking forward, Marriette Liefferink (FSE) and Prof. Dr. Andreas Nidecker (IPPNW Schweiz) announced a new conference taking place in Johannesburg, South Africa, November 2015. The topics will include uranium mining in Niger…
Read MoreImpressions from the opening of the Uranium Film Festival
The World Uranium Symposium saw the opening of the fifth Uranium Film festival – this time in Quebec! Here are a few impressions from the event.
Read MoreExclusive at the World Uranium Symposium in Québec City (April 14–16 2015): Naoto Kan, Prime Minister of Japan at the time of the Fukushima catastrophe
Québec, 6 April 2015 — Mr. Naoto Kan, Prime Minister of Japan during the Fukushima catastrophe, will deliver an exclusive message at the opening of the World Uranium Symposium at the Quebec City Convention Centre on April 14-16 2015. Both scientific and community-based, the Symposium will address issues arising from the nuclear fuel chain, from…
Read MoreWorld Uranium Symposium
From April 14th – 16th, the World Uranium Symposium in Quebec will bring together speakers from all around the globe. They will adress issues arising from the uranium fuel chain – from uranium mining to its end-uses and byproducts for civilian or military purposes. Symposium abstract Preliminary program List of speakers The Symposium is organized…
Read MoreMongolei: Polizeieinsatz für Umweltzerstörung durch Bergbau
In der Nacht zum 24. Februar 2015 ging die mongolische Polizei gewaltsam gegen neun Hunger-streikende vor. Drei wurden (offenbar als mutmaßliche „Rädelsführer“) festgenommen, die anderen sechs gegen ihren Willen in ein Krankenhaus gebracht.
Read MorePolice tries to break hunger strike in front of mongolian parliament
The Uranium Network Database
>Use the Mouse Wheel to zoom, or click the categories to navigate! {gmapfp catid=”200″ catid=”216″ lmap=”500″ hmap=”400″ zmap=”1″ mzoom=”1″ map_centre_lng=”10″ map_centre_lat=”1″} Mining Planned Active Mining Mine Closed Our Activities
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