James Bay Crees launch march against Urainum

The Cree Nation Youth Council yesterday launched the StandAgainstUranium solidarity march. They wanted to send a strong message to the Quebec government, that the Cree Nation opposes uranium development on their land, Eeyou Istchee. The march will also provide an opportunity for Quebeckers from across the province to show their support for the Crees’ stand.…

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BAPE hearings continue in Montreal

The BAPE (Office for public hearings on the environment) continued its hearings on the issue of Uranium development in Quebec. Among the speakers were representatives from the Grand Council of the Crees, the Cree Women of Eeyou Istchee, the Coalition Quebec meilleure mine, and Uranium Network.      

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James Bay Crees launch the People’s Board at StandAgainstUranium.com

The James Bay Cree Nation has launched the People’s Board, the latest addition to its website and social media campaign #StandAgainstUranium. The People’s Board is an online platform where Crees and the broader public can share their opinions, post photos and videos, and demonstrate their support for the Cree Nation’s stand against uranium.

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Operations shutdown at McArthur River Uranium Mine

As Cameco has announced last week, operation at the McArthur River Uranium mine have been shut down due to labor disputes. Uranium business insiders have predicted a “good” impact on the global uranium market, because with the leading producing unit shut down, demand for uranium should increase worldwide. According to uraniuminvestingnews, this has not happened…

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Problems with water at Cigar Lake uranium mine

Some of the work at Cigar Lake uranium mine in Saskatchewan is on halt, because the freezing technique used to keep the water out of the mining area is not giving the desired results. Source: Globalnews.

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Strateco stops Matoush Project

The Strateco company has called the quits on the Matoush project. The company says this decision is due to Quebec government’s refusal to issue the final permit for advanced exploration. “The damages arising from the liquidation of the Matoush camp and any cost associated with reopening the camp in the future add to the damages…

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Nunavut board sets rules for Kiggavik final environmental impact statement

Areva Resources Canada Inc. has received its marching orders for what to include in a final environmental impact statement, or FEIS, on its Kiggavik uranium project near Baker Lake. Those “commitments,” which Areva must observe when writing its FEIS for Kiggavik, are contained in a 62-page report that the Nunavut Impact Review Board issued July…

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