Déclaration de la coordination de la société civile Arlit
[16/10/2013] Déclaration de la société civile d’Arlit à l’issue de la marche de soutien au gouvernement nigérien dans le cadre des négociations avec le groupe AREVA, pour une prise en compte effective des préoccupations des populations dans les mines d’Uranium.
Read MoreAFP : Niger : Thousands of Anti-Areva on the streets in the north
[16/10/2013] Translation by Golden Misabiko Niamey – Thousands of people, anti-Areva , were demonstrating last Saturday in the mining town of Arlit in the north of Niger to show their anger against the French nuclear group Areva that has been mining uranium for over 40 years in this desert zone, as reported by the organizers.
Read MoreKonferenz gegen Uranabbau in Tansania: Field Trip Report
Unter den internationalen Teilnehmern sind Mitglieder des Vorstandes von IPPNW Schweiz, IPPNW Deutschland und IPPNW Holland, der Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung Tansania, Falea 21–Bewegung Frankreich und der NGO Robin Wood Deutschland.
Read MoreConference against Uranium mining in Tanzania: Field trip to Bahi
By Gudrun Conrad (German Version) September 30th, 2013. Most participants of the international conference have arrived at Dar Es Salaam. Among the international attendees are members of IPPNW Germany and Netherlands, the Rosa-Luxemburg- Foundation Tanzania, Falea 21-movement France and the NGO Robin Wood Germany.
Read MoreJoint statement of the participants of the conference on “Uranium Mining – Impact on Health and Environment” in Dar-Es-Salaam
[08.10.2013] We representatives of civil society organisations gathered here in the multi–stakeholder conference “Uranium Mining – Impact on Health and Environment” have prepared a statement highlighting our concerns on the uranium industry.
Read MorePress Release: Uranium Mining Conference Dar Es Salaam
[04.10.2013] The International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW) in cooperation with the Germany, the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation (East Africa Office) and the Tanzanian organisations LHRC, CESOPE and NaCUM. Topic: “Uranium Mining – Impact on Health and Environment”.
Read MoreInternational conference against uranium mining – visiting Manjoni, Dodoma and Bahi
[04.10.2013] International Conference participants visited Manjoni and Bahi, where test drills for uranium mining have been conducted – right where people send their cattle and grow rice. In the evening, a social event was held in Dodoma to celebrate and collaborate against the destruction of lives and culture by possible uranium exploitation.
Read MoreInternational Conference against uranium mining in Bahi
[01.10.2013] The international conference in Tanzania has started. Today, the activists are going to travel to Bahi, where mining companies Mantra Ressource und Uranex have been reported doing test drills on the local Uranium deposits. Tomorrow, activists from all over the world will share thoughts, facts and opinions at the conference.
Read MoreUranium Mining: Impact on health and environment – Conference in Dar Es Salaam and Bahi, October 1st-6th
The demand for uranium, the fuel for nuclear power plants and nuclear bombs, creates an apparent need for more mining operations. For this reason and because of insufficient local regulations, uranium-mining companies are increasingly focusing on African countries.
Read MoreMenace d’une mine d’uranium : Faléa s’invite au Parlement européen à Bruxelles
L’exposition « Faléa, la menace d’une mine d’uranium » s’est ouverte ce mardi 18 juin à 19 Heures dans le Hall Altiero Spinelli du Parlement européen à Bruxelles. Elle a été marquée par trois interventions : celle de Mme Gabi Zimmer, Présidente du Groupe de la Gauche Unie au Parlement européen, Mme Michelle Rivasi, membre…
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