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Quelle: “NEUE WESTFÄLISCHE” , Ausgabe vom 8.6.13, Lokalteil Herford
read more[06/06/2013] Very interesting article by the german taz on the (secret) uranium mining in Katanga: Uranabbau im Kongo – Kongos strahlendes Geheimnis. Read about the powerful parties interested in the uranium, and the dangers for journalists investigating on the topic.
read moreThese are the additional dates for Golden Misabikos tour with the film “Atomic Africa”. We will provide additional information on the tour stops as soon as we have it. 🙂 BREMEN – Do. 6. Juni Donnerstag, 6. Juni | 20 Uhr | Paradox (Bernhardstr. 12) http://antiatombremen.blogsport.de/ HERFORD So. 9 Juni 18:00 Uhr bis 22:00 Uhr, AJZ FlaFla (Goebenstr.…
read moreAm 29. Mai findet in Köln die Preview des Dokumentarfilms “Atomic Africa” statt. Der Film wird um 19:30 im Filmforum im Museum Ludwig gezeigt. Die TV-Ausstrahlung ist am Donnerstag, den 6. Juni um 23:15 Uhr im WDR Fernsehen (Redaktion: Jutta Krug). Der kongolesische Umwelt- & Menschenrechtsaktivist Golden Misabiko macht im Rahmen der Fertigstellung des Dokumentarfilms…
read more[23/05/2013] A timeline on RFI concerning the situation in Niger after the two attacks in Arlit and Agadez. Continue reading: RFI
read moreThe Somair mine in Niger has been attacked by a suicide bomber. There appear to have been no additional deaths, but the exact number of injured remains unclear. While The Wall Street Journal cites Areva with 13 employees wounded, the german Tagesschau speaks of 50 injured people. The Islamic Movement for Unity and Dschihad in…
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read moreThis Article on Le Monde Diplomatique: Time for a nuclear phase-out? by Adam Chimienti shows a well-drawn picture of the situation with nuclear power in the world today. Read about the dawn of the so-called “nuclear renaissance”, the risks, the waste problems, the cover-ups, and the ability of first-world countries to do without nuclear power.
read moreForty eight NGOs from all over the world call on the Governments of Greenland and Denmark to continue the uranium zero tolerance policy in the Danish realm. Both governments have recently given notice that they intend to lift the ban on uranium mining in Greenland. Avataq, NOAH Friends of the Earth Denmark and the…
read more[18/04/2013] The peace walk planned by the SOSC Arlit has been forbidden by the mayor of Arlit. Enclosed is the letter driving that decision, on grounds of “disturbing the social peace”. This has not stopped activists in Niger, however, as there has instead been a demonstration in the capital city of Niamey last Friday.
read moreÜber die dramatischen Konsequenzen des Uran- Abbaus informiert eine neue Wanderausstellung der Wiener Umweltanwaltschaft. Umweltstadträtin Ulli Sima hat diese am 15. April im Gymnasium Parhamerplatz im 17. Bezirk eröffnet: “Wir wollen den Jugendlichen eine bisher vermutlich weniger bekannte alarmierende Facette der Atomkraft aufzeigen – die Folge des Uran-Abbaus, der für den Betrieb von Atomkraftwerken notwendig…
read moreFrom March 16th – 18th 2012, the conference “Uranium, Health and Environment” took place in Bamako, Mali. Organised by Aracf, IPPNW, AUA² and Uranium Network, the conference focused on informing the public on the dangers of the first uranium mine in Mali. Background information: Documentation of the conference. Documents on the conference. News…
read more[16/04/2013] An open letter to the mayor of Arlit by the united NGOs of Arlit, concerning profit shares from the mining business promised to the communities of the Arlit region.
read more[24/03/2013] Arlit. The executive office of the Synergy of the civil society organizations with other partners of Arlit, met in the usual room of meetings to discuss on the critical situation and degrading conditions of life in the town of Arlit; which is considered as the lungs of our country economy.
read moreNunavummiut Makitagunarningit has made a submission to the study on extractive and energy industries in and near indigenous territories being conducted by Prof. James Anaya, the United Nations’ Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. The submission explains that since it was formed in November 2009, Nunavummiut Makitagunarningit has lobbied the institutions created by…
read moreAssembled in the Abenaki community of Odanak on March 13 2013, the Chiefs of the AFNQL adopted a resolution which strongly and definitively opposes the exploration and exploitation of uranium. “The exploration and exploitation of uranium constitute major and irreversible health hazards to our populations, our territories and the resources it contains. The First Nations…
read more(Eine Kurz-Version dieses Artikels erschien in “analyse & kritik – Zeitung für linke Debatte und Praxis”, Nr. 580, vom 15. Februar 2013, Seite 6) Seit Beginn der französischen ‘Intervention’ in der ehemaligen französischen Kolonie Mali steht die Frage im Raum , ob diese Intervention der Rohstoffsicherung dient; die Frage ist aber auch – WESSEN Rohstoffsicherung…
read moreThe Navajo Hopi Observer reports that the ban on uranium mining on 1 million acres of public land near Grand Canyon will be kept in place. Judge David Campbell rejected all claims to the contrary made by uranium mining firms on his decision on March 20th. The moratorium was put up in January 2012, to…
read moreArticle by Reuters on the efforts of Uranium Mining firms Rio Tinto and AREVA to lift a canadian law on foreign ownership of uranium mines: Analysis: Uranium miners press Canada to change Cold War rules.
read moreArticle by Wallstreet Journal Germany on the low demand for uranium on the global market and the consequences for uranium exploitations in Namibia: Schwache Urannachfrage macht Namibia zu schaffen.
read moreAn American geographer says the topography around Strateco’s uranium exploration proposal poses unacceptable threats to the region’s watershed By Jesse Staniforth , The Nation, March 8, 2013 Background by Gordon Edwards: After three years of learning about uranium mining and deliberating on the issue, the Cree Nations of Eeyou-Istchee (Northern Quebec) have declared a moratorium…
read moreThe Frankfurter Rundschau (Milliarden für Uran-Minen) reports on this briefing (Was haben deutsche Banken aus Fukushima gelernt?) by Urgewald, a german association for environmental protection and human rights. The briefing states that despite the promises made by german banks following the Fukushima desaster, to pull back from investments in Uranium firms, two years later there…
read more{avsplayer videoid=5 playerid=1} Follow-up on Australian uranium used in Fukushima, video by the ACF.
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