Posts by jan
Obama wants to decrease number of Nukes
“So long as nuclear weapons exist, we are not truly safe.” This bite from president Obamas speech in Germany is good news. If the number of nuclear weapons is reduced (perhaps, one day, to zero…), the world will find itself to be a step further from catastrophe. Be sure to read the CNN opinion piece…
Read MoreStatement re: Mkuju River Uranium Project and Selous Game Reserve Word Heritage site.
In July 2012, the World Heritage Committee, chaired by Ms. Mitrofanova from Russia, had made a decision to accept the application of the Government of Tanzania for a “minor boundary change” of World Heritage site Selous Game Reserve (SGR), in order to allow a uranium mining project, Mkuju River Project to go ahead under conditions…
Read MoreFalea – Exposition at the European Parliament, 14.-21.06. 2013
Golden Misabiko in Herford
Attac Herford has published this roundup of Golden Misabikos tourstop there on their website: Uranbergbau in Afrika bringt Krankheit und Tod. Quote: “The population [of Niger] doesn’t see any of the enormous gains from the uranium business. Niger is still on of the poorest countries of the world. Golden Misabiko calls this ‘Nuclear-Colonialism’.”
Read MoreRalf Bittner on Golden Misabiko and Atomic Africa
Quelle: “NEUE WESTFÄLISCHE” , Ausgabe vom 8.6.13, Lokalteil Herford
Read MoreKongos strahlendes Geheimnis – Uranabbau im Kongo
[06/06/2013] Very interesting article by the german taz on the (secret) uranium mining in Katanga: Uranabbau im Kongo – Kongos strahlendes Geheimnis. Read about the powerful parties interested in the uranium, and the dangers for journalists investigating on the topic.
Read MoreFILM + Diskussion mit Golden MISABIKO – additional dates
These are the additional dates for Golden Misabikos tour with the film “Atomic Africa”. We will provide additional information on the tour stops as soon as we have it. 🙂 BREMEN – Do. 6. Juni Donnerstag, 6. Juni | 20 Uhr | Paradox (Bernhardstr. 12) HERFORD So. 9 Juni 18:00 Uhr bis 22:00 Uhr, AJZ FlaFla (Goebenstr.…
Read More“Atomic Africa” – Filmpreview 29. Mai in Köln
Am 29. Mai findet in Köln die Preview des Dokumentarfilms “Atomic Africa” statt. Der Film wird um 19:30 im Filmforum im Museum Ludwig gezeigt. Die TV-Ausstrahlung ist am Donnerstag, den 6. Juni um 23:15 Uhr im WDR Fernsehen (Redaktion: Jutta Krug). Der kongolesische Umwelt- & Menschenrechtsaktivist Golden Misabiko macht im Rahmen der Fertigstellung des Dokumentarfilms…
Read MoreSuivez la situation au Niger après le double attentat à Arlit et Agadez
[23/05/2013] A timeline on RFI concerning the situation in Niger after the two attacks in Arlit and Agadez. Continue reading: RFI
Read MoreAreva Mine in Niger attacked, 13-50 wounded, attacker is dead
The Somair mine in Niger has been attacked by a suicide bomber. There appear to have been no additional deaths, but the exact number of injured remains unclear. While The Wall Street Journal cites Areva with 13 employees wounded, the german Tagesschau speaks of 50 injured people. The Islamic Movement for Unity and Dschihad in…
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