Posts by jan
Almoustapha Alhacen Tour #1 (23.Juni): Münster
Bericht aus Niger: Uranabbau und die Folgen, WANN:23. Juni 2014, 19:30 Uhr WO:VHS-Forum-2, Aegidiimarkt 2, Münster veranstaltet von: SofA Münster, Greenpeace Münster, Eine-Welt-Forum Münster und VHS Münster siehe auch:
Read MoreAlmoustapha Alhacen Tour #3 (26.Juni): Berlin
Flyer zur Veranstaltung (PDF) WANN:26. Juni 2014, 18 Uhr WO:Afrika-Haus, Bochumer Straße 25, 10555 Berlin Eine gemeinsame Veranstaltung der Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung und Menschenrechte 3000. Die nigrische Organisation Aghirin’man engagiert sich seit 2000 gegen die negativen Auswirkungen des Uranabbaus. Almoustapha Alhacen von Aghirin‘man wird über die Situation in Niger und den Widerstand der Bevölkerung berichten.
Read MoreBAPE hearings in Eeyou Istchee: Crees united in their opposition to uranium development
This week, public hearings in Eeyou Istchee made one thing pretty clear: The Cree Nation as a whole stands against the idea of uranium activities on their lands. As the digital journal reports, the Cree are willing to cooperate with the government to share the resources of their area – making an exception in the…
Read MorePolice searches at Areva and Lauvergeon
About ten searches have been carried out this Monday June 3, at Areva company’s headquarters in the process of investigations on the 2007 “gold” purchasing of the Canadian Mining Company, UraMin by the French nuclear Giant. Another search was operated at Anne Lauvergion and other high-ranked employees.
Read MoreStudy: “Uranium Mining – Impact on Health and Environment” info brochure
via [umweltfairaendern]: The Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung East Africa Office has published a study in cooperation with LHRC Tanzania. The study includes forewords by Dr. Helen Kijo-Bisimba (LHRC) and Dr. Robert Mtonga (IPPNW). Also included is the opening speech of the Dar es Salaam conference in October 2013. The articles touch general topics around health, environment,…
Read MoreUranium transport to Jadugoda stopped
According to “Anti Atom Indien“, a uranium transport from Bagjata to Jadugoda in India has been stopped by a group of armed men at Mai 7th 2014. Since then, no more uranium was transported from the mine in Bagjata to the mill in Jadugoda.
Read MoreDenison becomes majority owner of Faléa mine project
On Nov. 18, 2013, Denison Mines Corp. announced that approximately 100,541,657 common shares of Rockgate Capital Corp. have been validly deposited to Denison’s offer to acquire all of the outstanding shares of Rockgate. Denison has taken up and accepted for payment all of such shares, representing approximately 86% of the outstanding shares.On Jan. 17, 2014,…
Read More75 percent of more than 10.000 abandoned Uranium mines in the US are located on federal and tribal lands
Quote from factsheet, compiled by Charmaine White Face for the Clean Up the Mines campaign: “The Mining companies walked away from their clean up responsibilities after decades of mining, leaving the public to bear their toxic legacy. The costs for clean-up of these abandoned sites have been moved from the past uranium mining operators onto…
Read MoreOstermarsch Uranfabrik Gronau mit Anthony Lyamunda
Besuch aus Tansania beim Ostermarsch-Auftakt an der Uranfabrik im westfälischen Gronau. Bereits am gestrigen Donnerstag traf der Aktivist Anthony Lyamunda den Bundestagsabgeordneten Hubertus Zdebel in Münster. Berichte von Dirk Seifert ( Ostermarsch an Uranfabrik Gronau: Dreckiges Uran aus Afrika und: Uranfabrik Gronau: “Atomanlage, mit der die Bundesrepublik ihren Status als potenzielle Atommacht…
Read MoreUran – Strahlender Fluch
Das atomare Risiko beginnt mit dem Abbau des radioaktiven Schwermetalls Uran. Einem Rohstoff, der (bereits) auf seinem Weg von der Lagerstätte bis zum Reaktor für militärische Zwecke instrumentalisiert werden kann. Der Abbau des für den Betrieb von AKWs und Atomwaffen notwendigen Energieträgers führt zu erheblichen Umwelt- und Gesundheitsschäden, zu einem immensen Wasser-, Flächen- und Energieverbrauch…
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