Posts by jan
Basel Conference 2017
Congress, 14 – 17 September 2017, University of Basel The participants in the international conference Human Rights, Future Generations and Crimes in the Nuclear Age, held in Basel from September 14-17, 2017, affirm that the risks and impacts of nuclear weapons, depleted uranium weapons and nuclear energy, which are both transnational and trans-generational, constitute…
Read MoreA chairperson from and a representative from LHRC
A chairperson from and a representative from LHRC – Legal and Human Rights Center, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, speak out about the impacts of planned Mkuju River Uranium Project on the Outstanding Universal Value (OUV) of World Heritage Site Selous Game Reserve in Tanzania. The uranium mining project, operated by local company Mantra, owned…
Read MoreNo a la Mina!
Die Firma Berkely Energia Limited, mit Sitz in Perth West – Australien, die sich selbst als clean Energy Company darstellt, ist seit Herbst 2016 dabei, im spanischen Salamanca eine Open Pit Uranmine zu eröffnen. Alle nationalen und europäischen Genehmigungen wurden erteilt. Bis Ende 2018 soll eine 5400 Hektar große offene Uranmine in schönster Naturlandschaft Westspaniens…
Read MoreEin Stop für (Uran-)Bergbau im Selous Game Reserve?
Artenschutz in Afrika – Hilferuf der Wildnis Es ist eines der größten Naturreservate der Welt: das Selous in Tansania. Jetzt drohen Wilderei, Uranminen und ein Staudamm, die Region für immer zu zerstören. Wie können die Tiere und der Busch überleben?” Artikel lesen
Read More„World Class Uranium Project“ in Salamanca / Spanien
Die Firma Berkely Energia Limited, mit Sitz in Perth West – Australien, die sich selbst als clean Energy Company darstellt, ist seit Herbst 2016 dabei, im spanischen Salamanca eine Open Pit Uranmine zu eröffnen. Alle nationalen und europäischen Genehmigungen wurden erteilt.
Read MoreMalawi set up 8 Tanzanian Environmentalists and detains them arbitarily since more than 2 months
The court proceedings in the case of Malawi against 8 Tanzanian environmental defenders have shown without doubt that the 8 persons detained had been lured into a trap set up by Malawi authorities, they were then arrested under the pretense of “trespassing”; 5 Malawian accompanyiing them, arrested at the very same spot, were set free…
“We, winners of the world’s environmental awards attending the 6th International Convention of Environmental Laureates in Freiburg, Germany, are deeply concerned about the marked rise in intimidation, harassment, repression, and physical assault of environmental defenders being reported in many parts of the world. We sharply criticize those governments that are failing in their duty to…
Read MoreREPORT on the continuation of court case against 8 Tanzanians detained in Malawi, on 13. and 14. February 2017
As we had suspected earlier, the 2 days of continuation of the court proceedings on 13 and 14 February 2017 in Karonga, Malawi, revealed the complete ‘framing’ of the Tanzanian group of 8 environmentalists and farmers visiting Malawi in December 2016 to learn more about uranium mining and its impacts. Definitely, steps had been taken…
Read MoreEight Environmental Activists on Trial in Malawi
Eight Tanzanian environmental rights activists are headed to court in Mzuzu tomorrow following almost two months in detention. Malawi authorities arrested the human rights defenders in late December during a peaceful educational exchange in the Karonga region./In Malawi wurden Mitglieder einer Delegation aus dem Nachbarland Tansania verhaftet, die sich über die ökologischen und sozialen…
Read Morethe lowest daily price of uranium since 2004
“The spot price of uranium at the end of Monday, November 1, 2016, was at US $18.75/lb U308; this is the lowest daily price since 2004. The price is 45.2% below the daily spot price that price reported by TradeTech on January 1st. 2016. Currently, there seems to be a continuing abundance of material available…
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