Links to our partners
WISE Uranium Project
The most comprehensive, encyclopadic site on Uranium, U mining, U companies etc. with a lot of basic information on the Uranium industry
Since 1998 the Nuclear-Free Future Award (NFFA) is an award given to anti-nuclear activists, organizations and communities. The award is intended to promote opposition to uranium mining, nuclear weapons and nuclear power.
Nuclear risks
Compilation of dangers and risks through uranium miming, English and German
Tokata – LPSG RheinMain e. V.
Verein zur Unterstützung indianischer Jugend-, Kultur- und Menschenrechtsprojekte e. V., offizielles Chapter des International Leonard Peltier Defense Offense Committees in Deutschland.
Global Ban on Uranium Mining
Backgroundinformations about mining, industry and politics
Reseau "Sortir du Nucleaire"
French umbrella organisation of anti-nuclear groups, also dealing with the issue of Uranium mininig.
Commission de Recherche et d'Information Indépendantes sur la Radioactivité (CRIIRAD)
French Independent Commission for Research and Information on Radioactivity (also working on uranium issues in France, Niger and Gabun)
Seit 1974 setzt sich die Schweizer Menschenrechtsorganisation Incomindios für die Rechte der Indigenen Völker weltweit ein. Wobei ein besonderer Fokus auf Nord-, Mittel- und Südamerika gelegt wird. Seit 2003 hat Incomindios den Beraterstatus an der UNO (ECOSOC).
MiningWatch Canada
MiningWatch Canada is a pan-Canadian initiative supported by environmental, social justice, Indigenous and labour organisations from across the country.
Inter-Church Uranium Committee Educational Co-operative (ICUCEC)
An inter-church coalition that works to educate people about the nuclear industry in Saskatchewan, halt all nuclear development in the province, including the mining of uranium.
Coalition for a Clean Green Saskatchewan
Our Coalition is a non-partisan organization comprised of environmental, green, medical, health, rural, farm, civil society, ecumenical and other groups across the province. We support a renewable energy policy and oppose nuclear power. We worked successfully for the rejection of the Bruce Power Corporation’s proposal to build nuclear power plants along the North Saskatchewan River.
Defenders of the Black Hills
Defenders of the Black Hills is a group of volunteers without racial or tribal boundaries whose mission is to preserve, protect, and restore the environment of the 1851 and 1868 Treaty Territories, Treaties made between the United States and the Great Sioux Nation.
MASE Vision
The Multicultural Alliance for a Safe Environment envisions respectful, peaceful communities cherishing a healthy environment. Eastern Navajo Diné Against Uranium Mining (ENDAUM) is a MASE-based grassroots group opposing construction of the Crownpoint Uranium Project, a uranium in situ leach (ISL) mining operation proposed for two sites in Churchrock Chapter and two in Crownpoint Chapter of the Navajo Nation.
Southwest Research and Information Center
Southwest Research and Information Center is a multi-cultural organization working to promote the health of people and communities, protect natural resources, ensure citizen participation, and secure environmental and social justice now and for future generations.
Southwest Environmental Center
Established in 1992, we are a member-supported, grassroots conservation organization based in Las Cruces, New Mexico. Our mission is to protect and restore native wildlife and their habitats in the Southwestern borderlands, through advocacy, education and on-the-ground projects.
Southwest Environmental Center
Established in 1992, we are a member-supported, grassroots conservation organization based in Las Cruces, New Mexico. Our mission is to protect and restore native wildlife and their habitats in the Southwestern borderlands, through advocacy, education and on-the-ground projects.