1º FESTIVAL INTERNACIONAL DE FILMES SOBRE ENERGIA NUCLEAR Urânio em Movi(e)mento, the First International Uranium Film Festival invites you to Rio de Janeiro, May 21st to 28th 2011. The main locations of the festival are the two beautiful cultural centres Parque das Ruinas and Laurinda Santos Lobo in the famous quarter Santa Teresa.
The festival team has now selected 15 feature documentaries and movies and 19 short films: 7 films from USA, Brazil 5, Germany 5, Australia 4, France 3, Africa do Sul 2, Costa Rica 1, Sweden 1, Russia 1, India 1, Denmark 1, Georgia/Netherlands 1, Canada 1, United Kingdom 1.
There will be 18 Latin American Premieres and 2 World Premiers. The films cover nearly the whole nuclear fuel cycle and radioactive disasters: from Uranium Mining to Nuclear Power Plants and Castor transports; from nuclear ship accidents to Chernobyl and the nuclear accident of Goiânia; from Hiroshima to the depleted uranium munitions scandal in the gulf wars.
Two of the various highlights will be the German movie “Der Uranberg” about the History of the Uranium mine Wismut in East Germany and the UK-Documentary “Beating the Bomb”. Important for the actual discussion about the safety of nuclear power plants will be the Brazilian film “Pedra Podre”, which talks about the problems of the Brazilian nuclear power stations Angra 1 and 2 in the South of Rio de Janeiro.
In Santa Teresa we will have parallel to the Festival a photo exhibition in the cultural centre Laurinda about the nuclear accident Caesium 137 in the City of Goiânia 1987, the worst nuclear accident of Latin America, and an exhibition with Nuclear Posters produced by the global anti-nuclear power movement during the last 40 years and collected by the Laka Foundation based in the Netherlands.
“Last year when we planned the Festival, we were thinking about the nuclear accident in the city of Goiânia 1987 with radioactive Caesium and about the disaster of Chernobyl 1986. We could not imagine, that exact 25 years after Chernobyl will happen Fukushima”, says festival director Norbert Suchanek.
After Rio de Janeiro the Uranium Film Festival will travel to Sao Paulo (June 3-5) and to the Cities of the Northeast Recife, Natal, João Pessoa and Fortaleza in August. A special session is also planned in Salvador the capital of Bahia, the state with Brazils second uranium mining complex Caetité/Lagoa Real.
Thanks for Your attention. See you soon in Santa Teresa
The Uranium Film Festival Team
Please feel free to contact us:
Phone: 0055-21-2507 6704
Rua Monte Alegre 356 – Apt. 301
Rio de Janeiro / RJ
Exposição fotográfica mostra acidente nuclear no Brasil
Rio de Janeiro vai sediar exposição que lembra acidente com o césio 137
URÂNIO EM MOVI(E)MENTO / Uranium Film Festival
is a project in cooperation with the Brazilian NGO
BAOBÁ – www.ongbaoba.org
Some of our gobal supporters and partners are:
AG uranium-network.org, Germany
Laka Foundation, Amsterdam
WISE World Information Service on Energy, Amsterdam
Heinrich Boell Foundation Rio de Janeiro